Ball State Legal Studies

Ball State offers a law degree for undergraduate students. The Major Legal Studies is a paralegal training program approved by the American Bar Association. Paralegals, as members of the legal services team, work under the supervision of a lawyer. A paralegal cannot provide legal services directly to the public unless permitted by law. The program provides a solid foundation in law-related courses for students who plan to work in the courts, the Legislature, or the legal departments of government and business. Students must complete an internship in a professional legal environment. The degree program is also highly recommended for students who want to go to law school, providing them with skills and resources that will improve their chances of success. In addition to other academic requirements, transfer students must take at least four of their legal specialty courses, each with three credits at Ball State, as approved by the program director. This major prepares students for a career as a legal assistant or paralegal. It also provides a solid foundation in law-related courses for students who plan to work in the courts, legislature, or legal departments of government and business. Students interested in this concentration must take the following courses before enrolling in 300 and 400 level business courses.