Excuse Definition

Forgiveness is used in the same way. However, when you say you forgive someone, you usually mean that you`ve been angry with them before or argued with them. You cannot use „sorry“ this way. The traditional excuses for absentees are military operations or illness. Middle English, from the Anglo-French escuser, excuser, from the Latin excusare, from ex- + causa cause, explanation When you finished dinner and asked, „Can I apologize?“, you used one of the many meanings of this word. This is usually a reason for the behavior: a message from your parents stating that you have a doctor`s appointment can excuse you for the day out of school. If your dog is sick, he has an excuse to barfing in the house. But beware, apologies can be very close to whining. If you say in a conversation that you need to apologize or if you ask someone to apologize, you politely say you need to leave. When you excuse someone for something wrong, you choose not to criticize them or be angry with them.

Be careful! Don`t say someone is „apologizing.“ I know he`s over 70, but that doesn`t excuse his sexist attitude. These sample phrases are automatically selected from various online information sources to reflect the current use of the word „sorry“. The views expressed in the examples do not represent the views of Merriam-Webster or its editors. Send us your feedback. To excuse, to tolerate, to forgive, to forgive, is to demand neither punishment nor reparation. Apologies can refer to specific actions, especially in social or conventional situations or to the person responsible for them. Sorry for an interruption Sorry for the interruption Often the term implies extenuating circumstances. Injustice excuses strong reactions To tolerate means to neglect, without censorship, behavior (such as dishonesty or violence) that involves a serious violation of a moral, ethical, or legal code, and the term may refer to the behavior or agent responsible for it. A society that tolerates alcohol but not drug forgiveness implies that a sentence is due for a recognized or established crime. Criminal pardon means renouncing all pretense of retribution and resentment or vindictive feelings. couldn`t forgive their rudeness An apology is an explanation for something gone wrong.

When we apologize, we try to find someone to relax a little. If someone is excused by something, they are officially not allowed to do so. This supports those five and any apologies that might be associated with how they were received and who did what to get them. However, when people say they`re sorry for something they did, don`t say they`re „apologizing.“ They say they apologize. If you want to say you`re sorry for something you did, you say sorry, I`m sorry or I apologize. The same fear recently resurfaced as the number one excuse for blocking a subway project in Beverly Hills. Without broader change, Markowitz argued, the city will likely find another law it can use as an excuse to punish speech it doesn`t like. In fact, Texas is one of six remaining states to use strict lists of excuses to decide who can vote by mail this year. Now she knew why her expected guest didn`t come last night, or remembered to send an apology. I must admit that there is an excuse for you; the pearl of Andalusia is undoubtedly delightful. If your organization is smaller, don`t use the small sample size as an excuse to avoid this work.

Whatever the excuse, in 2008 we all had a Celebrity Apprentice. But now that the government has allowed the River God to leave the UK, this excuse can no longer be whitewashed. Could he be aware of all this and not excuse the unstable youth – blame himself? Apology, apology, apology, plea, pretext, alibi means material offered for explanation or defense. An apology generally refers to the expression of regret for a mistake or wrongdoing with an implied admission of guilt or guilt and with or without reference to mitigating or mitigating circumstances. Saying as an excuse that he would have met her if he had been able to apologize does not imply an admission of guilt or regret, but a desire to clarify the reasons for a course, belief or position. His speech was an excuse for his foreign policy apology, implying an intention to avoid or eliminate guilt or censorship. Using illness as an excuse to miss the advocacy meeting focuses on the argument or call for understanding, sympathy or mercy. Her usual plea that she was a short-sighted pretext suggests escapes and offers false reasons or motives as excuses or explanations. Any pretext for leaving work implies a desire to blame or avoid punishment and assumes a mere plausibility to explanation.

His alibi has not stood up to scrutiny Apologies are a reason you give as to why something was done, was not done, or is not being done. One of the simplest of these childish tricks is to invent an excuse for not immediately obeying an order, such as „Come here!“ Augustus, also known as Augustus the Strong, was a party animal and loved any excuse to party. „The special reason of a woman is the weak excuse of a man,“ whispered Sir Lucian rudely. People often apologize to politely apologize for something they are going to do. For example, you can say „sorry“ if you interrupt someone, want to get their attention, or want to get past them. An apology can be a noun or a verb. If it is a name, it is pronounced /ɪk`skjuːs/. If it is a verb, it is pronounced /ɪk`skjuːz/.

Weber suggested approaching a woman with phrases like, „Sorry, but you`re beautiful.“