Starbucks Company Rules and Regulations

Expansion of operations in the United States and internationally; either by opening company-managed branches or franchising/licensing businesses. 5-15-320 No employment contract. This chapter contains the rules of conduct for employees. However, nothing in this Code shall be construed as creating a contract of employment between Starbucks and any of its employees. Aside from the apron and, in some places, a hat or visor, Starbucks employees technically don`t have uniforms. But there is a dress code. Employees are encouraged to wear shirts in the „muted“ colour palette such as grey, black, white or dark blue. At the very least, the company has changed course by banning all expressions of political sentiment and allowing BLM shirts and pins starting in mid-2020, the New York Times reported. 5-15-250 Receive political donations. Pursuant to Section 130051.20 of the Public Utilities Code, no Starbucks employee or immediate family member may accept, solicit or direct a political contribution of more than ten dollars ($10) from any company, consultant or corporation seeking a contract with Starbucks or having entered into a contract with Starbucks within the last four (4) years. 5-15-010 values. Starbucks is a company that is expected to conduct its business with integrity, honestly and ethically.

Starbucks employees must comply with the letter and spirit of this chapter and the law. Strict compliance with the Chapter is not necessarily sufficient, and any attempt to circumvent or circumvent the requirements of this Chapter or any rules or laws applicable to Starbucks and its employees is unreasonable. If you want to express yourself through piercings, you should feel better enough expressed with a maximum of two earrings per ear and a nose nail, according to Yahoo! All other piercings must be removed or covered while the worker is in the shop. Rings (with the exception of a wedding ring) and bracelets are also prohibited. And if you have tattoos on your face or neck, you won`t get a job as a Starbucks barista, according to the rules laid out in a corporate lookbook.6254a4d1642c605c54bf1cab17d50f1e While these two labor laws aren`t exactly new, they`ve both had a profound impact on how Starbucks should operate. Not only do they require Starbucks to comply with federal regulations and stay informed, but they can also have a huge impact on business costs. 5-15-040 Professionalism. It is the responsibility of every Starbucks employee to maintain a professional, safe and productive work environment. Starbucks employees treat each other professionally and politely at all times. Disagreements on labour issues should be expressed in a constructive manner that encourages the exchange of ideas and effective teamwork to solve problems in order to meet the challenges of the growing company. Starbucks is defending itself against allegations that it used unfair labour practices in several locations in response to union efforts. A National Labor Relations Board (NLRB) judge recently found that the company broke the law in Michigan.

The company denies any violation. We collected articles from SHRM Online and other media in the news. Here are eight controversial rules Starbucks employees must follow. The second law, the Americans with Disabilities Act, has a huge impact on Starbucks because it is a company that prides itself on employing a diverse group of people, including people with disabilities. To meet its employment standard for people with disabilities, Starbucks must make all of its retail stores accessible to people with disabilities. Prior to the passage of this legislation, Starbucks may have taken the initiative to provide some accommodations to people with disabilities, particularly to attract customers with disabilities, but it would not have been required to do so. However, once this legislation is passed, Starbucks is required to provide certain accommodations to all employees with disabilities it hires. In this way, Starbucks could position itself as a more accessible place for consumers with disabilities, as well as a company that caters to the needs of potential workers with disabilities, which could strengthen the HR department`s recruitment efforts.