What Are the Characteristics of Military Rules
Military regimes are generally united by their egalitarian belief in equal political, economic, social and civil rights for all. Thus, military regimes most often emerge as products of political, economic and social crises to replace weak leaders and governments. The most popular mechanism for achieving this is the military coup, in which members of the armed forces eliminate the head of a state through the use or threat of force. Once the military regime is firmly established, it is characterized by an intact military hierarchy and a security apparatus controlled by the military. Military regimes also contain characteristics that would characterize governments in general. These include succession decision-making institutions and routine consultations between the chief and the rest of the officer corps. In this context, the head of any military government has the power to remain in office for as long as he wishes. Its decisions will be undeniable and its function can only be removed from it if there is another military body that comes and takes power by force. On 22 May 2014, Thailand`s transitional government was overthrown in a bloodless coup led by General Prayuth Chan-ocha, commander of the Royal Thai Army. Prayuth established a military junta, the National Council for Peace and Order (NCPO), to rule the country. The junta abolished the constitution, declared martial law and banned all forms of political expression.
In 2017, the NCPO issued an interim constitution that gave itself almost total power and established a puppet legislature that unanimously elected Prayut as prime minister. Unlike military dictators, leaders of military juntas can end martial law, wear civilian clothes, and appoint former military officers to maintain de facto control over local governments and political parties. Instead of all functions of national government, military juntas may choose to control a more limited range of areas, such as foreign policy or national security. One of the main features of the military regime is the imposition of military laws (decrees and edicts) on the country. This is usually because the military controls all state institutions when it is in power. From the above, there is no doubt that military rule is not a good idea for any country. All its characteristics are contrary to natural justice, equality and good conscience, which should be the primary concern of any government. This is clearly not in line with democracy. According to Abraham Lincoln, „democracy is government of the people, by the people, and for the people.“ In other words, people are more important in a democratic country. Conversely, it is undemocratic for the military to make decisions on issues that affect citizens without their consent.
In the military administration or government, all rules and decisions are dictated to the people. All administrations are carried out by decree; Military government is undemocratic in nature. In trying to run the whole country from the center, the military usually applies a more unified system. As you already know, the unified system of government is a form of government in which there is no sharing of power between the central government and its sub-entities. Not all authoritarian regimes involve military rule. Im 20. In the nineteenth century, the most repressive undemocratic regimes, particularly the Nazis in Germany and the Stalinist regime in the Soviet Union, were party dictatorships in which civilian control of the military was well established. Other types of authoritarian regimes that differ from military rule include traditional (e.g., absolutist monarchies) and personalist or „sultanist“ regimes. In the early 1960s, there was a rapid rise in military regimes, which led many scientists to conduct theoretical analyses of the phenomenon.
These studies have focused on military interventions in politics as an extraordinary and negative deviation from the norm of elected civilian government. Analysts had previously assumed that economic and social modernization in developing countries would lead the armed forces to become more professional and modern. The hope was that this would prevent them from interfering in politics to defend their countries against internal and external attacks. When the military comes to power through a military coup, one of its duties is to bring former politicians or former leaders, especially corrupt officials, to justice. The purpose of these trials is for the army to recover all looted funds from corrupt politicians. Based on previous experience, military government is actually the worst kind of government a country can have. The reason for this is that the military cares more about its personal interests than those of the country`s citizens. First, there is usually nothing that could limit the power of the military whenever it is in power.