Give Me the Definition for Proclivity

Two profilers described Karr/Reich as a man with a „clear inclination toward pedophilia.“ If you have a tilt, you automatically feel like you like what you like; You don`t even need to think about it. The origin of the word inclination supports this feeling. The inclination comes from the Latin word proclivis, which literally means „inclined forward“. They slide down a slope – no effort is required. You are giving in, because, of course, you are going in that direction. But before taking this step, he was accused of a penchant for extraordinary things. Have you always had this tendency to want to know words and their etymologies? You may even tend to use the word featured several times throughout the day – not because of a presumption, of course, but simply because you have a penchant for a rich vocabulary. And perhaps you have a penchant for using many synonyms, such as tilt (from clivus, the Latin word for „slope“), which refers to a trend that usually tends towards something bad; tilt, which indicates an often uncontrollable tilt; Love, which means irresistible attraction; and preference, which describes a strong preference resulting from one`s own temperament. It`s important to note that the platform`s propensity for inspiration leads to larger shopping carts and upsells. And as we know Don Berigno`s inclination in this direction, the tree returned home with a diabolical effect. The frog tends to squeeze into holes and cracks or under objects on the ground. And there is a fatal tendency among many French poets to care a little too much about their subjects. A propensity is a natural tendency to like something, such as your sister`s inclination for restaurants that serve hot and spicy food.

But as ridiculous as our propensity for endless questions, doubts, and theories may be, it is just as inevitable. Nowhere is this trend more evident than in immigration policy. Perhaps, although this seems unlikely given the inclinations of all parties involved. It is claimed that she had a stated tendency to commit suicide throughout her life. When it comes time to write about his propensity for violence, I have all these testimonies in one place. During our own analysis of search engine land titles that have changed in search results, we also found that Google tends to remove the pipe character. It was exaggerated for an overnight trip, but I hoped that the obsessive preparation could dampen my inclination to imagine worst-case scenarios. Latin proclivitas, from proclivis oblique, vulnerable, from pro- forward + clivus slope – more to pro-, declivity It`s not a function of gerrymandering, it`s a function of the number of people out there, their partisan leanings, as opposed to what you`ll see in Ohio, Texas, Georgia, regardless of what the voters want. Theme music by Joshua Stamper 2006©New Jerusalem Music/ASCAP.