Legal and Ethical Considerations When Reflecting on Codes of Practice

Individuals must obtain informed consent from the individuals they serve regarding the nature and potential risks and effects of the services provided, the technology used and the products delivered. This obligation shall also include informing notified persons of the possible effects of non-treatment or non-compliance with clinical recommendations. If there is a suspicion that the decision-making capacity of the persons served is compromised, individuals must obtain appropriate authorization for the services, such as authorization from a spouse, other family member or legally authorized/designated representative. Financial advisors registered with the Securities and Exchange Commission or a government regulator are bound by a code of ethics known as fiduciary duty. This is a legal obligation and also a code of loyalty that obliges them to act in the best interests of their clients. Individuals must comply with local, state, and federal laws and regulations that apply to professional practice, research ethics, and responsible conduct of research. Individuals avoid conflicts of interest when personal, financial or other considerations may affect or impair professional judgment and objectivity. Individuals may not knowingly allow a person under their supervision to engage in practices that violate the Code of Ethics. This type of code of ethics is based on clear rules and clearly defined consequences, rather than on individual monitoring of personal behaviour.

Therefore, despite strict compliance with the law, some compliance-based codes of conduct do not foster a climate of moral responsibility within the company. Holders of the clinical qualification may only practise those aspects of the professions that fall within their professional practice and competence, taking into account their certification status, training, training and experience. Application of telecommunications technology to the provision of professional audiology and speech-language pathology services remotely by connecting physician to client/patient or clinician to physician to physician for assessment, intervention and/or counselling. The quality of service must correspond to the personalized service. For more information, see the Telepractice section of the ASHA Practice Portal. A code of ethics, also known as a „code of ethics,“ can include areas such as business ethics, a code of conduct, and a code of conduct for employees. Companies of all sizes rely on their leaders to set a standard of ethical behavior for other employees. When directors adhere to the Code of Ethics, it sends the message that universal compliance is expected of every employee. Individuals must fulfill their responsibilities to the public by advocating for the unmet needs of the public for communication and swallowing and must provide accurate information on all aspects of the professions. Clinically qualified persons evaluate the effectiveness of the services provided, the technology used and the products provided and may only provide services or products if a benefit can reasonably be expected. Some codes of conduct contain language that addresses both compliance and values.

For example, a food chain may create a code of conduct that prioritizes the company`s commitment to health and safety regulations over financial gain. This food chain could also contain a declaration of refusal to contract with suppliers who feed farm animals with hormones or raise animals in inhumane living conditions. A person whose professional practice is impaired by addiction, addiction, or mental or health-related illness. A values-based code of ethics addresses a company`s core value system. It can set standards of responsible behaviour in relation to the greater public good and the environment. Values-based ethical codes may require a higher degree of self-regulation than compliance-based codes. A code of ethics is a guide to principles designed to help professionals conduct their business with honesty and integrity. A code of ethics can describe the mission and values of the company or organization, how professionals should approach problems, ethical principles based on the organization`s core values, and the standards to which the professional is bound. Individuals may cooperate with professionals and/or other professions to ensure the highest quality of care. Individuals must report members of other professions that they know have breached standards of due diligence to the appropriate professional regulatory authority or board, another professional supervisory authority or professional association if such a violation endangers the well-being of individuals and/or research participants in care.

The foundations of ethical behaviour are described in the Ethical Principles and the Rules of Ethics. The four ethical principles form the underlying philosophical basis of the Code of Ethics and are reflected in the following areas: (i) responsibility to those who serve professionally and to research participants, both human and animal; (II) responsibility for his own professional capacity; (III) accountability to the public; and (IV) responsibility for industrial relations. Persons must respect and comply with these principles as positive obligations in all conditions of the applicable professional activity. Rules of ethics are specific statements about the minimum acceptable and unacceptable professional conduct. For all companies, laws regulate issues such as recruitment and safety standards. Compliance-based codes of ethics not only establish codes of conduct, but also set sanctions for violations. Chartered accountants, who are not generally considered fiduciaries of their clients, are still required to follow similar ethical standards such as integrity, objectivity, truthfulness and avoidance of conflicts of interest, according to the American Institute of Certified Public Accountants (AICPA). Individuals must accurately represent the intended purpose of a service, product or research project and adhere to established clinical practice and responsible conduct of research guidelines. Misrepresent another person`s idea, research, presentation, result or product as their own by irresponsibly quoting, attributing or paraphrasing; Ethical misconduct does not include mistakes or disagreements in good faith.

Individuals should use all resources, including referrals and/or interprofessional collaboration, where appropriate, to ensure quality services are provided. The Code is intended to guide members, candidates and certified persons in their professional decisions. Because the Code is not intended to address specific situations and does not involve all possible ethical dilemmas, professionals are expected to follow the written provisions and respect the spirit and intent of the Code. Adherence to and enforcement of the Code of Ethics leads to respect for the professions and positive outcomes for those who benefit from the work of audiologists, speech-language pathologists and speech, speech and hearing specialists. The American Speech-Language-Hearing Association (ASHA; hereinafter also known as the „Association“) has been committed to a framework of common principles and standards of practice since ASHA`s founding in 1925.