Legal Crazy

Jefferson, Missouri has a strict stance on garage sales. It is illegal to have more than two in a given place in a year. And a flea market should not last more than three days and should take place in certain hours. Don`t bother keeping your fingers clean when devouring fried chicken in Georgia. According to a 1961 Gainesville proclamation designed to promote Gainesville as a poultry center, it is illegal to eat fried chicken with a fork. In 2009, a woman was arrested as a practical hoax for breaking the law, but was later pardoned. Unless attending a gathering that has received appropriate permission, it is illegal in New York to be „masked or disguised in any way by unusual or unnatural clothing or facial changes.“ They do not play with moose in Alaska. When a hunter takes a moose, parts of the animal – including the head, heart, liver, kidneys, stomach and skin – are required by law to be saved „for human use.“ Florida ran into trouble in 2013 when it accidentally locked all of the state`s computers. A confusingly worded law banning internet cafes involved in illegal gambling has led to legal action, arguing that the ban could be interpreted as applying to any device connected to the internet. According to the Tennessee Constitution, it is illegal to hold public office if a person does any of the following: „fight a duel or knowingly be a bearer of a challenge to fight for a duel, or send or accept a challenge for that purpose, or be an assistant or instigator in the struggle for a duel.“ Next time you`re in Arizona, make sure your manners are up to date. In Goodyear, it is illegal to spit on a public sidewalk, crosswalk or highway, or in a park or public building. It looks like Jumanji was once real in Florida, as parking animals requires paying legal fees, including elephants, camels, and horses.

According to Country Living, this law went into effect in the 1920s when Ringling Bros. Circus moved its winter show operations to Florida. In Vermont, it is illegal to ban clotheslines. The law prohibits regulations that prohibit „clotheslines or other energy devices based on renewable resources.“ The next time you`re spending a night in Michigan, you`d better think carefully about how to get home. Under state law, it is illegal for a person in an „offensive state of intoxication“ to „board an intercity train or car as a passenger, be or remain on a railroad train or intercity car.“ Other crazy laws across the country include articles about whiskers and especially food. In Alabama, it is illegal to wear a fake mustache that provokes laughter in church, while whiskers are illegal in Indiana if the wearer tends to kiss other people habitually. In Wisconsin, it is illegal to serve butter substitutes in prison; in Utah, it is illegal NOT to drink milk; and don`t sleep in a South Dakota cheese shop. A generous act in Louisiana could backfire – you could be fined $500 if you send a pizza order to someone`s home without their knowledge. In North Carolina, it is illegal to hold a rally or demonstration while wearing a mask, hood or other costume. The law appears arbitrary, but it was likely passed to crack down on Ku Klux Klan activities in the state. Minnesota ducks must stay within state borders if you have them on your head. In Missouri, it`s illegal to drive an unlocked bear, and in Nevada, your camel can`t be driven on the highway.

There`s no doubt about it: there are crazy and bizarre state laws in the United States. Sure, they may have made sense when they were written, but today, these really strange government facts about U.S. laws are enough for anyone to wonder why they were created in the first place — not to mention doing big, random little things to confuse your friends! Who knew, for example, that it`s illegal for a donkey to sleep in a bathtub in Arizona, or that you technically can`t send surprise pizza to your friends in Louisiana? If you want your happiness to be told, you won`t find it in Yamhill, Oregon. It is illegal to practice „occult arts“ – defined as „divination, astrology, phrenology, palmistry, clairvoyance, mesmerism, spiritualism, or any other practice or practice generally accepted as unhealthy and unscientific, tempting or pretending.“ Kansaners don`t mess with their cherry pie. At one point, it was illegal in the state to put a scoop of ice cream on a piece of cherry pie. According to Kansas` secretary of state, it`s unclear how this law came about or if it`s still technically in effect, but — fortunately for dessert lovers — it`s not enforced. Driving through Hawaii, you won`t find anything blocking the state`s beautiful scenery — billboards are illegal. Although technically illegal, Arkansas has passed laws that „discourage“ mispronunciation of its name. Better not to try to pronounce phonetically Arkansas – the provision explicitly states that „pronunciation with the stress on the second syllable with the sound of `a` in `man` and the sound of the terminal `s` is an innovation that should be discouraged.“ In 2012, the state passed a law dubbed „Sip and Spit“ that allows cooking students under the age of 21 to legally taste alcoholic beverages (by sipping and spitting), based on the reasoning that students must learn to taste wine in their early years of cooking school. Kudos to a well-rounded, or should we say, full-bodied learning experience! The United States has a long and interesting history, and most of today`s laws are adequate for keeping the peace.

However, there are laws in all 50 states that, for various reasons, are a bit „crazy“ from today`s perspective. Some laws that might have been appropriate 100 years ago may have fallen through the cracks, so they`re still in the books and seem pretty funny to us now. One man`s garbage is certainly not another man`s treasure in Idaho, as it is illegal to sweep up debris on roads, highways, alleys or other roads used for public transportation. If only other cities applied this law! In Virginia, it is illegal to „hunt or kill wild birds or wild animals, including pesky species, on Sundays.“ However, it is allowed to kill raccoons. You thought the silly rope was all the fun and games? Think again. In Mobile, Alabama, it is illegal to keep, store, use, manufacture, sell, offer for sale, offer, or handle „spray cords,“ „snap pops,“ or other similar substances or substances. „It`s illegal to marry in Nebraska if you have an STD (although the courts later clarified that if the other spouse is aware of the disease at the time of marriage, they can`t try to annul the marriage later for those reasons). Use protection! Until 2002, it was illegal in Connecticut to store city records in places where alcohol was sold. It is not clear whether a particular incident triggered the first passage of this law. Pay attention to your language in Maryland. In Rockville, it is illegal to „curse and curse rudely or use obscene language on or near any street, sidewalk or highway while hearing people passing such a road, sidewalk or highway.“ In Reno, Nevada, it is illegal to sit or lie on a public sidewalk.

The law states that „no person may sit or lie on a public sidewalk or on a blanket, chair, stool or any other object on a public sidewalk at the Downtown Reno Regional Center.“ Do you want to give your pet a new look? Pay attention to what you do in Chicago. It is illegal to sell or display „live chicks, ducklings, goose chicks, or other chickens or rabbits that have been dyed, dyed or otherwise treated to give them an artificial color.“ In Utah, it is illegal to „cause a catastrophe.“ State law defines a disaster as widespread injury or damage caused by weapons of mass destruction, explosion, fire, flood, avalanche, or building collapse. You thought you could make a few bucks with your parent`s old wooden leg? Don`t be so sure. In Delaware, it is illegal for a pawnshop „to accept or receive an artificial limb or wheelchair as security or security.“ Mental illness of such a severe nature that a person cannot distinguish fantasy from reality, cannot conduct business due to psychosis, or is exposed to uncontrollable impulsive behavior. Insanity is different from low intelligence or mental retardation due to age or injury. If a complaint is filed with law enforcement, district prosecutors, or medical personnel that a person exhibits psychotic behavior, they may be detained in a medical facility long enough (usually 72 hours) to be evaluated by psychiatrists who submit written reports to the local/district/district court supervisor.