Legal Meaning of Draw

(verb) – v. In the old criminal practice. Move (on an obstacle) to the place of performance. In ancient times, no obstacles were allowed, but the criminal was actually dragged down the road to the place of execution. Part of the old punishment of traitors was drawn this way. 4 Bl. Comm. 92, 377. To draw a bill of exchange is to write it (or have it written) and sign it in briefing, transcription, etc.

Prepare a draft; draft and draft a document, complaint, petition, monument, etc. in an appropriate form. Winnebago County State Bank v. Hustel, 119 Iowa, 115, 93 N.W. 70; Hawkins v. State, 28 fla. 363, 9 south. 652. In practice.

Drawing a jury means selecting the people who should compose it, either by leaving the jury box one by one, but at risk, or by summoning them individually to court. Schmidt v. Staat, 136 Ala. 1, 34 South. 168. In tax law and administration. withdraw money from a bank, treasury or other custodian in the exercise of a legal right and in a lawful manner. „No money can be taken from the treasury, but on the basis of funds provided by law.“ Const. See art. 1, 1 9. But „drawing a mandate“ does not mean withdrawing money; It is the production or execution of the act that authorizes the drawing of money.

Braun v. Fleischner, 4 Gold. 149. Prepare and sign a bill of exchange, commercial paper, project or negotiable instrument, thereby creating a legal obligation under its terms. Draft a document such as an act, complaint or petition, including the essential information necessary to make it legally effective once it has been signed by the designated parties. To withdraw money, such as withdrawing money from a bank account, withdraw profits from a partnership or LLC. No. 1. A movable part of a bridge that can be lifted or turned to the side to allow ships to pass. Gildersleeve v.

Railroad Co. (D.C.) 82Fed. 766; Hughes v. Railroad Co. (C.C.) 18 Fed. 114; Railroad Co. v. Daniels, 90 Ga. 608, 17 S. E. 647.2.

A depression on the surface of the earth, in the nature of a shallow canyon, sometimes several kilometers long, forms a channel for the escape of rain and melting snow that pours into it on both sides. Railroad Co. v. Sutherland, 44 Neb. 526.62 N. W. 859. Legally withdraw money from an account held with a bank, the Ministry of Finance or another custodian. (v.1) to prepare a document. (2) including having drawn up and signed a bill of exchange or cheque. Supported by Black`s Law Dictionary, Free 2nd ed., and The Law Dictionary. Point a gun or deadly weapon at a specific target.