Rotating Shaft Guarding Requirements

OSHA Machinery Protection Standard 1910.219 requires that rotating shafts be properly protected. Evaluate the rotating shafts in your facility to ensure they are protected in accordance with the following OSHA requirements: OSHA requirements are set by laws, standards and regulations. Our interpretative letters explain these requirements and how they apply to particular circumstances, but they cannot create additional obligations for employers. This letter represents OSHA`s interpretation of the requirements under discussion. Please note that our enforcement guidelines may be affected by changes to OSHA rules. We also update our guidelines from time to time in response to new information. To stay informed of these developments, you can visit the OSHA website at There are also no acquired rights for the protection of machinery. Older C devices must be protected according to the latest specifications. OSHA states that protective equipment must meet the requirements of the American National Standards Institute, B15.1-1953 (R1958), the safety code for mechanical power transmission equipment.

Adequate protection against equipment hazards reduces exposure to potential worker injuries from clamping points, pinch points, winding points, feed points, and cutting or shear points. Brenner, M. Debunking the three most important myths about industrial machinery protection. Occupational health and safety. February 2017. Two of the most powerful tools provided by OSHA for evaluating machine guards are found in 29 CFR 1910.217. Although this is the standard for electric mechanical presses, it lists general requirements for machine guards that are often cited by compliance officers when there is no device-specific standard. Colden specializes in security audits and risk assessments.

From commonly cited hazards such as tabletop grinder tabs and work brackets to easily overlooked hazards such as safety locking requirements and rotating shaft end extensions, our team of safety experts helps ensure a safe workplace and regulatory compliance. Machine validation starts with hazard detection. The hazards associated with mobile equipment must be assessed before machinery can be adequately protected. The minimum distances required between a rotating part or operating point and the guard are found in the OSHA Machine Protection Standard (29 CFR 1910.211-219, Subpart O). Useful information about the protection of the machine is available: you pass in front of a drive shaft and notice that it protrudes and its protective cap seems to be missing. You look everywhere as we usually find them sitting on the floor nearby!!!, but no luck. So you signal the „danger“ and place a work order to install a protective cap on this protruding drive shaft. Then someone asks. Aren`t some of these protrusions „allowed“ unattended? They do research and find that in the OSHA standard. All machinery must be maintained in safe operating conditions and only certain personnel must carry out maintenance or repair of such machinery or equipment. Machinery with defects which affect operational safety must also not be used. OSHA provides specific instructions for portable circular saws, portable circular table saws, swivel saws, radial saws, band saws and band saws, grinding wheels and machinery, as well as rotating parts, drives and connections in the Marine Machinery Protection Standard.

For PTO equipment, the rotating shaft shall be shielded. • „The protruding ends of the shaft shall have a smooth edge and shall not exceed more than half the diameter of the shaft, unless protected by non-rotating caps or safety sleeves.“ With site protection, no employee can accidentally come into contact with the hazard during servicing, maintenance or operation due to location. Employers should use guardrails or fences that can protect employees from accidental entry into the danger zone. OSHA imposes additional requirements on protective equipment for agricultural field equipment such as tractors, farm equipment, and cotton ginning equipment in the agricultural standard. OSHA`s machinery safety standards outline guidelines that employers should use when implementing safety procedures and precautions in their workplaces. Hazards related to machinery protection are addressed in standards for general industry, construction, shipping and agriculture. When locking/labeling, control power sources by turning them off or isolating them to prevent unexpected starting. It is not the OSHA quotes that worry us; It`s the people.

That is what protection is. Minimum requirements. The materials and dimensions specified in this paragraph apply to all guards other than horizontal air belts, ropes, cables or chain guards located more than seven (7) feet above the ground or platform. According to OSHA 1910.219(c)(4)(i), a protruding shaft end that exceeds more than half the diameter of the shaft must be protected by non-rotating caps or safety sleeves. Trees with key passages can easily catch clothes. Belt bars. When loose pulleys or pulleys are not practicable, belt rods in the form of supports, rollers, etc., must be used to move the belts away from the shafts at idle. Power transmission devices in basements. All mechanical power transmission equipment located in basements, towers and spaces used exclusively for power transmission equipment shall be protected in accordance with this section, except that the requirements for securing belts, pulleys and shafts need not be met if the following requirements are met: Examples of grain equipment of machinery presenting these hazards include pulleys, Belts, gears, chains, power take-offs, worms, motor drive shafts, drag and belt conveyors, V-belts, lawn mower knives, grinding machines and saws.

U.S. Department of Labor: OSHA Machine Guarding Crayches. Shaft couplings shall be so constructed as not to present hazards related to bolts, nuts, adjustment screws or rotating surfaces. However, bolts, nuts and adjusting screws are permitted if they are covered with safety sleeves or if they are used parallel to the shaft and are recessed vertically or do not protrude from the coupling flange. Some of the common machines that require a safe operating device are: OSHA standards do not cover all types of equipment, but all deficiencies in machinery protection can be cited under the general mandatory clause (Section 5 of the Occupational Health and Safety Act 1970). ANSI B11.19-2010 is considered the most reliable standard for machine guards and provides an excellent reference when OSHA standards are vague or do not exist for a particular device. The OEM can provide valuable information on safety standards. While OSHA regulations place the responsibility for monitoring machines on the end user rather than the manufacturer, many manufacturers have taken a proactive approach and will provide the appropriate information. Flying. Flywheels arranged so that one part is seven (7) feet or less above the ground or platform shall be protected in accordance with the requirements of this subparagraph: For more information on Colden`s machinery safety assessments, please contact Susan Reynolds at 617.648.2356 or email According to OSHA, „kept“ in the marine industry means that they are protected, fenced or surrounded by blankets, enclosures, shields, troughs, spills, railings or protected by a position or location.