Legal Dictionary Oxford Online

According to Cornell`s Legal Information Institute, the legal definition of “contract” is: “An agreement between private parties that creates legally enforceable mutual obligations. The basic elements required for the agreement to be a legally binding contract are: mutual consent, expressed by a valid offer and acceptance; reasonable consideration; Capacity; and legality. In some States, the elements of consideration may be satisfied by a valid substitute. Possible remedies for breach of contract include general, consecutive, and legitimate expectations and certain benefits. Most of the Bodleian Law Library`s British legal dictionaries can be found under the KL brand in the main British collection. Below is a selection. There is no database containing all UK legal material, but the 2 main databases are Westlaw Edge UK and LexisLibrary members OR can access both via their Oxford single sign-on details. For more information on this and a list of other useful electronic resources (including free resources), see the Database section in the left column or tab above for specific types of material. This web service allows you to search for the meaning of abbreviations for English-language legal publications of the British Isles, the Commonwealth and the United States, including those covering international and comparative law. A large selection of important legal publications in foreign languages is also included. Publications from more than 295 jurisdictions are represented in the index. The database mainly includes legal reports and legal journals, but also includes important legislative publications and manuals.

The index is still under development. This legal notice applies specifically to this website (“Website”) and supersedes any other legal notices that appear elsewhere on Oxford University Press websites. By using the Site, you consent to the practices set forth in this Statement. Most employers have employment contracts that prohibit discrimination or harassment based on the law. Employment contracts that “apply to everyone, regardless of age, may be illegal, according to the EEOC.” This is because some practices that might be fair to younger employees may be inappropriate when applied to older employees. According to Cornell University, the legal definition of “means test” refers to Chapter 7 bankruptcy filings. Cornell describes it as “a formula used in bankruptcy law to determine whether the debtor qualifies for Chapter 7 bankruptcy. If the debtor does not pass the means test, he can only declare bankruptcy under Chapter 13. The purpose of the means test is to determine whether the debtor is abusing the insolvency system by filing Chapter 7 bankruptcy files, even if it could afford to pay at least part of its debt.

Therefore, the resources test focuses on the debtor`s ability to pay the creditor(s). Library of Legal Classics. Complete text of more than 100 legal texts, including Blackstone`s Commentaries (1803), Cardozo`s Growth of the Law (1924), and the first edition of Story`s Commentaries on the Constitution of the United States (1833). The provincial laws of Canada include the provincial laws of ten of the Canadian provinces. Contains public and private laws passed by Canadian provincial governments. Up-to-date, revised and historical content is now available for Alberta, British Columbia, New Brunswick, Nova Scotia and Ontario. Historical and revised content is only available for Manitoba, Newfoundland and Labrador, Prince Edward Island, Quebec and Saskatchewan. Below is a selection of useful websites with legal references. According to the U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission, “age discrimination” occurs when a person over the age of 40 is discriminated against because of their age: “The Age Discrimination in Employment Act (ADEA) prohibits age discrimination against persons 40 years of age or older.

It does not protect workers under 40, although some states have laws that protect young workers from age discrimination. It is not illegal for an employer or other covered entity to favour an older worker over a younger worker, even if both employees are 40 years of age or older. « « Criticism of the previous edition Review of the previous edition If legal language is a fog, it is a precious flashlight” – Times Educational Supplement Not sure if you have a case? A discrimination lawyer can help you clarify misunderstandings about relevant legislation or answer your questions. OED Online contains words that have or claim ownership status as trademarks or otherwise. Their inclusion does not mean that they have acquired non-patrimonial or general significance for legal purposes, nor any other judgment on their legal status. In cases where publishers have evidence that a word is proprietary, this will be indicated in the entry for that word, but no judgment is made or implied on the legal status of those words. The exclusion and limitation set forth in this Legal Notice applies only to the extent permitted by law and notwithstanding any express terms to the contrary in any written license or subscription agreement you have entered into with Oxford University Press in connection with your use of any online service provided through the Website. She is the author of more than 30 legal books on topics such as Internet and e-commerce law, competition law, commercial agency law, data protection law and intellectual property, has contributed to 40 others and written monthly legal articles for IT Law Today and Food and Drink Law Monthly, as well as other publications. If you have any concerns about the material that appears on the Site, please contact if you are located in America or if you are located outside America. There are a number of important legal databases covering UK law. Below is a list of the most important databases or in the Legal Databases tab for more information and links to online tutorials. We reserve the right to make changes to this Legal Notice.

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