Temps Legal Pour Declarer Un Sinistre
While home insurance is not mandatory for everyone, it is still essential, especially in the case of water damage, which can cause significant damage and high repair costs. Water damage is part of the coverage included in every home insurance. As a reminder, household insurance is mandatory for each tenant as part of the Rental Risk Guarantee, which covers water damage as well as fires, explosions and liability. In the event of force majeure (hospitalization after the accident, interruption of communication after a storm, etc.), the insurer does not have the right to cancel the damage cover for late notification. Next, you need to contact your insurer to report your claim. The law does not prescribe a specific form, the declaration to his insurer can be made by any means (ordinary letter, phone call©©, for example declaration©©online or via mobile application as with Luko). You have just suffered damage (fire, water damage), you must report it©to your insurer in order to obtain possible compensation for your claim©, ©the terms©of which are specified©in your insurance contract. When is the time to©©declare a disaster? Holidays, business trip, hospitalization. Many situations can result in a claim being reported well past the deadline set by household insurance companies.
What are the consequences and possible remedies in case of late declaration? Attention: There are©certain deadlines for certain©guarantees, including theft insurance, whose©minimum period©is two working days©. Don`t want to make sure for fear of paying too much? The Hausratgeber accompanies you. Fill out a simple form explaining your needs and get quotes from different insurers. This way, you can study everyone`s offers. Compare prices at the end of the warranty comparison. It is the easiest and fastest solution to find home insurance at the best price. In addition, you will be calmer in the event of a disaster, especially in the event of water damage to your home. the nature, causes and circumstances of the accident (collision, road departure, chain accident, brake failure, speeding, etc.); It is also important, but not mandatory, to attach photos taken at the scene of the accident before law enforcement conducts the observation and reports evidence to restore traffic.
These photos are valuable evidence that can be used to investigate the case. If witnesses present (third parties, excluding passengers) can indicate the circumstances of the accident, their identity and contact details must be recorded. The aim is to collect their statements and use them to support the different versions of events. Whatever the circumstances, there is a limitation period after which home insurance coverage is simply impossible. Article L.114-1 of the Insurance Code sets this period at 2 years after the date of the loss, whether or not the insured is aware of the damage caused to his home. In the event that the damage was discovered long after the disaster, evidence must be presented to explain the situation. Otherwise, you have no compensation insurance. Even in the absence of an identified third party, you must report the damage to your insurer. Simply complete the consensus report alone (or otherwise on plain paper), always on time. You are the victim of a flood, a storm, a cyclone ..
? The time limit for reporting damage may be extended if the state of the natural disaster is recognized by interministerial order. You will then have 10 working days after the publication of the decree in the Official Journal to file your claim with your insurer. In the event of a disaster (fire, burglary), you must first of all: To help the insurance company determine the amount of compensation, you must provide them with tangible elements. These can be invoices for damaged goods or photos of loss. If the damage is really very significant, an expert will see for himself the extent of the disaster. In accordance with Article L. 113-2 of the Insurance Code, any claim must be submitted by telephone or post within a maximum of 5 working days. The Insurance Code does not provide for© mandatory sanctions in the event of late notification of damage by the insured©©. However©, Article L 113-2 of the Insurance Code allows the insurer to include in its insurance contract an unemployment©clause in the event of late declaration of damage, which entails© the withdrawal of the insured person`s© right©to compensation for©©his damage©. However, this suspension of coverage is temporary, concerns only the loss in question and applies if the insurer can prove that this delay in reporting©caused© him a loss©.
This is usually the case if the late notification©prevents the insurer from taking action against the claimant or if this delay is due to© a fault©of the©©insurance company©. Theoretically, you risk losing the right to compensation (forfeiture of coverage) for the declared loss! However, for this penalty to apply, the insurer must prove that it suffered damage as a result of the delay in reporting.