As Used in Paragraph 3 Which Is the Best Definition of Affluent

They show that the nation can feed itself to the highest degree in the right seasons. A powerful mother, outspoken artist and wealthy businesswoman, Beyoncé is certainly a feminist success story. This trend also seems to be true in San Diego County, where counties with reopening plans tend to be among the wealthiest. There are many ways the modern Democratic Party has helped corporations and the rich, but the Republican Party has done more. Hatcher`s Run, a prosperous part of Rowanty Creek, has a general course (p. 491) to the southeast. Câu 2: As used in paragraph 1, the expression “it is said” indicates that the author is ______. Middle English, “flowing in abundance, abundant”, borrowed from the Latin riche, affluens “flowing with, abundant”, flux current participle of affluere “flow in, flow, be abundantly present”, from ad- ad- + fluere “flow, run” – plus with the fluid input 1 The wealthiest communities have lobbyists who ensure that the infrastructure they need is not built in their community. Stroll through some of Philadelphia`s poorest neighborhoods, neighborhoods full of broken windows and scattered front steps, and you`ll find beautiful artwork on the sides and facades of buildings. Of course, the murals are located not only in poor neighborhoods, but also in the richest neighborhoods. Special buses take tourists to different parts of the city to see the various murals, ranging from huge portraits of historical heroes to cityscapes to scenes depicting the different ethnic groups that inhabit Philadelphia.

These children, mostly rich, had six painful months. borrowed from French, borrowed from Latin, rich, rich “flow” – more at the rich entrance 1 On the other hand, they would be just as categorical in their demands as if we were free from suffering and in prosperous circumstances. The more prosperous a society is, the more educated it is, the more democratic, networked, etc. Victoria Adams was born to middle-class parents in the affluent county of Hertfordshire. Its main tributary is the Ltschine (from the grindelwald and Lauterbrunnen valleys). And the baby boomers – at least those in the wealthiest classes – are on the verge of another stroke of luck. Lords should not only be gentle people and be fed and nurtured and live in prosperous idleness, but also super gentle people. In November 2018, the Woolsey fire ravaged the affluent beach town of Malibu, California. Câu 4: As used in paragraph 3, what is the best definition of “rich”? If the fairy tale were true, it would really shame the rich West. Visualize with us: overcrowded cash registers, more than enough cash flow, assets that circulate. The conjured image is the essence of the word rich.

Based on the Latin fluere, which means “to flow,” rich people are all about the river. (The same image is reflected in other flute descendants, for example: Confluence, fluctuations, fluidity, influence, melodious and superfluous.) However, the flow of goods or wealth was not the first area of the word; Printed examples of 16th century prosperity tend to revolve around the abundance of intangible goods such as “goodness” and “spirit.” In the 17th century, the river proposed by the rich varied greatly: streams, poisons, commodities and blood were all described with the word. In modern usage, rich most often describes rich people or places where rich people live. More than 20 years ago, a New Jersey artist named Jane Golden launched a program that brought restless teens with artists to paint murals on some of the city`s buildings. Something magical came out of this little project. The young people involved helped create great works of art, but there were other, perhaps more important, benefits. The young people learned to work and get along with many types of people, while the different steps were necessary to paint and design a mural. They learned to be responsible because they had to follow a schedule to make sure the murals were finished.

They also learned to be proud of their community. It`s hard for a resident to see the spectacular designs and not be proud to be a part of Philadelphia. D. Refer to something he or she does not personally believe is reading the following passage and marking the letters A, B, C or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct answer to each of the questions. Iii. are designed exclusively by the young people who paint them. Câu 5: From the information contained in the passage, the author most likely believes that ________. Câu 3: After the passage, the murals in Philadelphia _______.

1312. In order to make this passage more attractive to readers, the author could have included it. II. Instilling responsibility and pride in the people who paint it Because of its success, the mural program created by Jane Golden has now become the largest public arts program in the country and a model for other cities across the country looking to help troubled youth. Joshua Stamper`s theme music ©2006 New Jerusalem Music/ASCAP C. refers to something that is widely believed but may be false. I. a brief history of Philadelphia II.