Bc Union Laws

4. The provisions of this Code concerning an application for certification of a union and the certification of a union apply to an application for certification of a union council and the certification of a union council. Employers should go the extra mile to bite their tongues under the newly amended Code, which also gives the board the ability to issue a certificate of reparation to a union that has lost a certification vote if the union can prove that the employer violated section 8, even without the union having to prove it. with the exception of illegal comments by the employer. The union would likely have won the certification vote. 41 (1) In order to safeguard and maintain industrial peace and to promote favourable conditions for the settlement of disputes, the Minister may, at the request of one or more unions or ex officio and after such investigation as may be necessary or expedient, instruct the Bureau to examine, notwithstanding sections 18, 19 or 21, whether a union council would be an appropriate negotiator for an entity in individual cases. (2) The Collective Bargaining Council established under section 55.18, as read in this section before its repeal by the Skills and Labour Development Statute Law Amendment Act, 2001, is maintained, is deemed to be a union council established under section 41 and has the power to bargain with CCLA on behalf of its constituent unions. 37 (1) Where a trade union claims that, as a result of a merger, amalgamation or transfer of jurisdiction, it is the legal successor of a trade union that has been certified or voluntarily recognized as a negotiator for a unit at the time of the amalgamation, amalgamation or transfer of jurisdiction, the board may, in proceedings before the board or at the request of the union concerned. that the removal of the secret ballot could result in pressure on workers – by the union or other workers – to sign a union membership card so that the union can receive the necessary threshold support (i.e., 55% or more) to avoid a representative vote. Currently, the secret ballot on representation serves as a protection by allowing bargaining unit workers to secretly express their true intentions regarding union membership without fear of reprisal. (c) amend a certificate issued to a union or the designation of a unit in a collective agreement where it is considered necessary or appropriate; (2) If the commencement of collective bargaining has been announced and the duration of a collective agreement in force between the parties has expired, the employer or trade union may not do so, modify a period or condition of employment without the consent of the other until the workers or persons are members of the union or of a union constituting the Trade Union Council or not.

3. Where a trade union levies, levies or imposes on a person different start-up costs, dues or dues depending on whether the person applied for or applied to become a member of the trade union before or after an application for certification by the trade union to represent the person as a negotiator, the fees, dues or charges shall be considered discriminatory within the meaning of paragraph 2, point (a). If a union is certified to represent its employees, an employer must recognize that it is the sole negotiator for workers in the collective bargaining unit. 42 (1) A union that is a constituent of a union council may withdraw from the union council only if it obtains the consent of the board and complies with subsection 2 or 3. Once a collective agreement has been reached through collective bargaining, it is the union, not the individual workers, who have the power to make decisions about how to interpret, apply or apply the collective agreement. 52 (1) A non-provincial business for which a union holds a bargaining licence for a unit of employees of that business shall appoint a resident of British Columbia with collective bargaining authority within 5 days after certification (8) If the board designates facilities, productions and services as essential services, the employer and the union must designate these facilities, productions and services. Provide, provide or maintain services in their entirety and may not restrict or restrict any facility, production or service. (2) A union may not exclude, suspend or impose a sanction on a member or refuse to allow a person to join the union or impose a penalty or levy a special levy on a person as a condition of admission to membership in the union or union council Once the union is certified, the terms and conditions of employment (for example, remuneration, social benefits, leave and working conditions) for workers in the collective bargaining unit are frozen. This means that the employer cannot unilaterally change the terms and conditions of employment until: Subject to regulation, a person has the freedom to comment on any matter, including matters concerning an employer, a union or the representation of employees by a union, provided that the person does not resort to intimidation or coercion. A union changes the relationship between employees and their employer.

Once the union is certified to represent a group of the employer`s employees, it becomes the exclusive negotiator for those workers. This group of workers is often referred to as a bargaining unit. Sometimes the negotiation relationship can change. Learn more about what happens when the employer changes, the union changes, or workers want to change their union representation. 154 Every trade union or employers` association is a legal person within the meaning of that Code. 2. The annual accounts shall contain sufficiently detailed information to specify the financial situation and functioning of the employers` association or trade union for the preceding financial year. 153 A communication, decision or other document that must be served for the purposes of this Code may be served on the person to whom it is to be served or at the place of residence of the person to whom it is to be served or, if that person is an employer or a trade union, by handing it over to the employer`s representative or to the registered office of the union in the ordinary course of business. Hours. 150 (1) A provincial, national or international union that assumes the supervision or control of a subordinate union, thereby suspending the autonomy of the subordinate union under the Constitution or the statutes of the provincial, national or international union, shall submit to the Commission a declaration signed by its Submit the Chief Agent indicating the conditions under which supervision or control is to be exercised and, on the instructions of the Management Board, submit additional information on supervision and control required by the Chairman. 16 (1) An employer shall comply with an employee`s written wage allocation to a union certified as a negotiator for its employees under this Code, unless the assignment is cancelled by the board or revoked by the transferor.

(c) Promote the practice and procedures of collective bargaining between employers and trade unions as freely elected workers` representatives; 18 (1) If a collective agreement is not in force and a union is not admitted as a negotiator for a unit capable of collective bargaining, a union that claims to have at least 45% of the employees of that unit as members may at any time, subject to the rules, apply to the board to be certified for the unit. (d) Promote the cooperative participation of employers and trade unions in solving employment problems, adapting to changing economies, developing workforce skills and developing a productivity-enhancing workforce and workplace; 20 Two or more unions that claim to have a majority of workers in good standing as members of a unit capable of collective bargaining may join an application under that Part; and the provisions of this Code relating to a trade union application and any question or matter arising therefrom shall apply to the application and to such trade unions as if a trade union so requested. In some unions, such as in the construction and film industries, the union may initiate a procedure to direct workers to workplaces at employers` premises through a hiring room run by the union. The British Columbia Labour Relations Code governs the establishment of union representation, collective bargaining and many other aspects of the relationship between employers, their employees and unions. 3. A trade union whose member or members are lawfully on strike or locked out, or a person authorized by the trade union, may strike at or near a place or place where a member of the trade union works under the control or direction of the employer if the work is an integral and essential part of the employer`s activity and the place or place is a place or place on which the strike or legal lockout.