Discuss the Legal Issues Surrounding the Use of and Display of Information Contained on Social Media

In most cases, HIPAA violations on social media have resulted in disciplinary action against affected employees, there have been several dismissals for violating patient privacy, and in some cases, the violations have resulted in criminal charges. A licensed practical nurse who shared a video of a patient in his underwear on Snapchat was fired and served 30 days in prison. With social communities, using camera phones to instantly upload and share images online has become a regular part of our lives. This makes the potential for theft or misuse of your photos too real. But there are laws that can help prevent a delicate situation from getting worse. Such problems can arise when institutional leaders try to access a student`s communications on social media or the equipment used for such an exchange. As a trademark, you should be careful when sharing content on social media, as it can sometimes infringe a copyright, trademark, or other intellectual property right. With the growth of social networks, the scenario of the social media law is also evolving. The broad terrain of the Social Media Act protects the posting of content online based on policies and can extend or protect employees` limited privacy rights. This chapter focuses on the confidentiality of information, i.e.

the ability to control access to personal data. We look at privacy issues in the context of social media and focus primarily on personal data and the ability to control external influences. We suggest that the violation of privacy can affect information: loneliness (the right to be left alone), privacy (the right not to be monitored) and anonymity (the right not to have a public personal identity and, more broadly, to compromise physical privacy). The right to control access to facts or personal information is, in our view, a natural and inalienable right, and everyone should have control over who sees their personal information and how it is disseminated. Today, social networks are becoming the platform of choice for hackers and other perpetrators of antisocial behavior. These media provide large amounts of data/information ranging from a person`s date of birth, place of residence, place of work/business to information about family and other personal activities. In many cases, users inadvertently disclose information that can be both dangerous and inappropriate. Information about social media activities can have far-reaching negative effects on the future. Some examples of situations that can and have been affected include employment, visa acquisition, and college acceptance. Blind participation has also led to situations such as identity theft and bank fraud, to name a few. Protecting privacy in today`s connected society can be a major challenge.

The digital revolution has indeed distorted our view of privacy, but there should be clear distinctions between what should be seen by the public and what should be limited to a small group. One school of thought is that the only way to have privacy today is not to share information in these connected communities. However, protecting privacy and controlling the flow and disclosure of information in connected communities is an ongoing process in an environment where contexts change rapidly and are sometimes unclear. This requires the intentional construction of systems designed to reduce privacy issues [13]. 2 Maritza Johnson, Serge Egelman and Steven M. Bellovin. Facebook and privacy: It`s complicated. Symposium on Usable Privacy and Security (SOUPS), July 2012. Michelle Madejski, Maritza Johnson and Steven M. Bellovin. A study on errors in the definition of privacy settings in an online social network.

Proceedings of SESOC 2012, 2012. An earlier version is available as technical report CUCS-010-11. Social media is still in its infancy, as its rapid growth has taken place, especially in the last 10 years. Whether you post or republish frequently on these sites, it`s becoming increasingly clear that the power of your click goes beyond something as simple as it seems. Social media users should be aware that there are both good and bad consequences for marketing in this medium. A coherent plan that outlines a strategy and, more importantly, specific usage guidelines, can help protect against unwanted situations. As copyright laws extend to the digital space, online users need to know how to respect copyright and protect their own copyrighted works on social media. Here`s what you need to know before you publish. When it comes to social media law, companies should pay attention to the following points: The use of social media by emergency managers raises privacy concerns that are not present in the methods of transmitting alerts and alerts.