How to Break Relation with Sister Legally

It ends today. I`m 51 years old and I`ve enjoyed a few years where my sister`s mental illness and anger kept me at a distance enough for me to think a relationship was possible. I was wrong. Since this is my older brother, I must have been there all my life, including weekend psychiatric visits when I was in elementary school. It hurts, but the constant shift from “I love you” to “you`re boring, I curse your soul” is more than I can bear. Aside from my amazing 27-year-old husband, I don`t seem to be able to build relationships where I`m not used or caught, I think I have toxic laws. For me, I will never understand their behavior and I will simply call it “they are all crazy”. My Mil behaves very well with me in front of people and the husband. I can feel that everything is fake. Or maybe my gut tells me it is. My Sil comes to me and keeps telling me that my marriage is not normal.

She is so messy and comes home all the time and leaves the place looking dirty! His child is also so dirty and my Mile takes the child to my room and says the one and a half year old wants to welcome us. It`s just a tactic for us to take care of them if my Sil leaves them here. This child then climbs into my bed. I really don`t know how they violate privacy. Most of the time I take care of the child, and then my mother tells my husband how she sits so silently next to me. I feel like my Mil manipulates us like that, so we take care of her when she has something to do. When we go out, my Millet asks where we are going and when we are back. She calls us even when we are on the road! She demands that we all help my Sil in her work when she organizes events that create more work for herself, but we all need to participate. Otherwise, we are the bad guys. My Sil and Millet rarely thank me for taking care of the child, and when they do, he must be in front of the husband so he can see that they are trying. I noticed this behavior from the moment we got married and it put a lot of pressure on my relationship because my husband couldn`t be away from them and so we had to spend all our free time with our in-laws. This year we moved in with my mom and now my husband sees everything himself.

God is great. But I still don`t know how to deal with what they invade my privacy and regain my mind. Breaking contact was my decision and I don`t regret it. Unfortunately, the person I cut contact with continues to hit me in many ways, usually by others, so the toxicity never really stops. I hope that when this person dies (he is 92 years old now), the poisoned drama, the upper spring and the ongoing problems with him will pass. Still, if you want, give the question a cool deal and an opportunity to fix the relationship. What a very sad story, always remember that your mother knew the truth and you never have to be ashamed. I also have a very rude brother who tells my 86-year-old mom to stop disrupting her life, she acts like a baby, has to bring an older service called Driving Miss Daisy to her appointments.

When my mother emigrated, he couldn`t wait for his money to be credited to his bank account, and he told her he wanted his inheritance and gave her the amount he wanted. As a girl, I`m just shocked, which is an understatement, but when a toxic woman is involved and a brother who can`t see past her mistakes, I just say, “My God, I`m praying for both of you and also for your son.” I live by karma and in all my life, karma always strikes when you least expect it. Please don`t be sad, when your mother was alive, she knew you as a child, you were the best and she died with the best memories of you. Always take care of yourself. Families can also be the ones who put you in distress, but they are also by your side in difficult places. This is fair trade: take the good with the bad. If evil trumps good or if evil is abuse, we must evaluate the health of that relationship for our own well-being. Thank you for publishing your story Theresa. Your son looks exactly like my adult daughter. She is a narcissistic and devious woman who demoralizes me, humiliates me and demonizes me towards her friends, my ex-husband and his family. She is only nice to me when she wants something.

She is very sneaky. I have to separate from her and get on with my life. She sucks life out of me. So very, very true – that`s partly why it feels so bad to be at the front desk – like you`re not making a fuss about anything. Because how could someone who is so “nice”, “friendly”, “helpful”, etc. be anything else. These people are very scary. I`ve only met two in my life – my sister and sister-in-law, but I`d avoid both like the plague now and I`d have a hard time explaining to someone who`s never experienced anything like it. Unfortunately, cutting off a parent doesn`t just affect that person.

“When you make the decision to cut connections, there`s often collateral damage,” Hanley says. Some family members will try to make you feel guilty; Others may accuse you of tearing up the family; And some relationships might even dissolve. End any guilty or adversarial conversation. Waxman suggests saying something like, “I`m sorry you feel like you`re ruining the family. I love this family! I do what I think is best to take care of myself. Setting these boundaries will be difficult at first, but stick to your guns and remember that you are doing it to take care of yourself. I have 2 sisters, I am the middle child. Always responsible with money, never in trouble, closer to our parents. After our parents died about 9 and 10 years ago, there were behaviors about ownership that led me to break off relationships with my younger sister. He`s a terrible person and I just decided that now that our parents are gone, I don`t have to endure their hateful and abusive treatment.

My older sister was also very angry with me, but seemed to feel remorse at the end. I have always been closer to my older sister, even if I have endured a lot. She is single (divorced) and has no children. She`s smart but lacks common sense and I recently (at 64) discovered that she was probably narcissistic. Maybe not a 100% narcissist, but enough for me to realize that I`ve been apologizing all my life for successes or happiness that she doesn`t have or is a part of. I have been married for over 40 years, we have 2 adult daughters who are quite tall adults and a few grandchildren. Our daughters and my husband encourage me to cut off relationships or at least severely limit my interaction with her. Lately, she welcomed the younger sister into a fantasy of being her savior and reality hit pretty quickly and I got calls and text messages about how unhappy she is with her in her house etc. She criticizes and shames me because I want nothing to do with the younger sister, while she tells me all the horrible things she tells her and regrets coming. After a recent argument that had nothing to do with the younger sister, and her typical mean text messages and made-up accusations just to inflict pain and appear superior, I really want to break the bond.

I haven`t heard from her for a week. I know something is going to happen at some point, and she`s going to call or something and decide she`s going to pretend nothing happened and expect me to act that way. This will not happen again. I`m done. I saw the light. I just wish I felt better. I don`t know why I can`t have a family of origin that is normal and takes care of each other unconditionally. I think that`s MY fantasy. Possess for 15-16 years, although I live with them. I pay rent, I buy all my things. I couldn`t have my problems with my mother and younger sister. My mother has her favorite daughters from the three of us girls.

And she`s our youngest sister. She is the one with the most children and my mother does nothing wrong with my sister and her children. My problems started 3 years ago when I moved from Tennessee to California. I was in an abusive marriage and often tried to contact my mother, but no response. When I returned to Tennessee last year, she was happy and ignored me again.