Is Griselbrand Legal in Commander

UPDATE: According to Trick Jarret (Wizards employee), the new B&R list will now go into effect on June 29, 2012, not July 1, 2012. That means property tax is now legal for Grand Prix: Atlanta! Since Commander is a format that revolves around legendary creatures, this card can easily take down commanders without spending mana, resulting in a quick banishment. The fun aspect of Commander is that you probably don`t draw combos very often, so games tend to be pretty random. If you draw 7 and give a huge flying lifelinker 7/7, you have a very good chance of doing stupid things in a format of 1 of them. I can totally understand why he is banned as a commander, but why is he generally forbidden on deck? Sure, you can fool him on the battlefield, but that literally applies to any creature and you can pay 7 lives to get more, but there are also plenty of cards that do the same. Am I missing something here or is it just one of those cards that no longer belong to the ban? All I did was correct your general statement to read: “Many of these cards would do a LOT against Griselbrand, and while some may be effective against him, they are less relevant overall and see less play in the general commanders community.” @zandl this article talks about how he was able to hit the peloton in Turn 2 and then they were combining. So the most common game to get it out is kontraspellable. Cavern of Souls only helps if they throw it hard. So I don`t think it`s the right card if that`s not why Griselbrand was banned. Yes, seriously. Any completely crazy banned card, regardless of its format, dies of countermagic, but that doesn`t solve the fundamental problem that they`re too ridiculous to remain legal.

But relevant to the question is the fact that there is no longer a “forbidden in the 99” or rather “forbidden as commander”, they merged the lists for simplicity. [[Braided Cabal Servants]] and [[Chimney]] did almost the same thing, but braids were simply “banned” because: legendary creature. Rofellos, Llanowar`s emissary, is one of Magic`s most obvious potential commanders. As a legendary elf for two mana, Rofellos can mine to produce an amount of green mana equal to the number of forests controlled by its owner. This card allows its controller to play any number of lands in each turn, while taking damage every time they play additional land. While Fastbond can cause damage to its controller, between the potential for massive upside and the commander`s higher lifesums, banning the card in this format was a no-brainer due to the high reward and lack of risk for such a low mana cost. A legendary 1/1 blue with flies for two mana, Erayo, Soratami Ascendant, is the perfect example of a forbidden card because the card`s abilities were designed without the commander format. When four or more spells are cast in a single turn (a common phenomenon in the Commander), Erayo turns around. Once reversed, Erayo becomes a legendary enchantment called the essence of Erayo, which states that every time an opponent casts their first spell each turn, that spell is countered. Trest`s emissary Leovold was introduced in Conspiracy: Take the Crown as an effective three-mana Sultai commander and quickly banned after quickly becoming an oppressively formatted warp commander option that could reliably block any other player in a game. A 3/3 Eff Advisor for three mana, Leovold`s most oppressive element is his first ability, which states that your opponents cannot draw more than one card per turn. The Wizards for Order page is only for the MTGO version, and it seems that it has not synced with the official list available at The reasons you give are essentially the right ones.

Here is the official announcement and explanation of the ban on Griselbrand and Sundering Titan: When Commander players start with forty lives, you can produce thirty-nine mana in the second round, allowing you to play many winning cards from the beginning of the game. As a commander, Rofellos would provide you with an unprecedented amount of consistent manar ramp that would grow with a game over the course of the game. Almost all of the cards I`ve listed are used regularly in commander`s decks. Linvala, Guardian of Silence is used on the main deck and as a general; Card: Gripper, bribe (and to some extent, Telemin`s power and similar cards are used throughout the commander community in hundreds of types of decks to take advantage of other players` powerful cards; Commander is, overall, one of the most popular formats in Magic: The Gathering. This multiplayer format allows you to build 100-card singleton decks with a legendary creature as your commander, giving you a huge selection of over 20,000 cards from Magic`s story to choose from when creating decks. Ironically, my unpopular opinion that Griz is fine as a commander is simply not in the 99 for the other reasons mentioned. Although this ability is present on Narset, Parter of Veils, this Planeswalker cannot be used as a commander. Combined with wheel effects that force enemies to throw their hands and draw new cards, Leovold could strip enemies of all spells while keeping the Leovold player always full. Combined with the repeated wheel effect of a Teferi puzzle box, there was little or nothing other players could do to stop a Leovold deck. Well, I can see that Griselbrand is so bad, haha. I just pay attention to bans, that`s all.

But what did you say about Kokusho, the star of the evening??? I have a dragon deck and I wanted to play it in it. I do not understand why he is as broken or more broken than Griselbrand; In fact, it seems to be much less powerful. still a very strong card in Commander, of course, but not a powerful “win-by-comboing-out instant play”, as far as I know. Knowledge Exploitation, Iona, Shield of Emeria and Sudden Spoiling are also widely used. I wouldn`t say they`re only good against Griselbrand. The only card that is not played as often is the card: Fool Mask and associated cards; Even then, they have their uses. Good sauce Zandl, Iona and others are only good against griselbrand? This is a stupid idea. Unless the Tappedout community agrees.

Not only is it quite easy to turn Erayo into a commander, but since he is legendary, he can be systematically available in your own command area. Between these two factors, the card was blocked. op, I totally understand why it`s hard to understand why Griselbrand is a hard sell, but this thing is a monster, and until you can see him go, it`s hard to understand.