Is It Legal to Kill Bobcats in Wv

Gray and red foxes can be legally hunted or captured in West Virginia from early November to late February. Legal firearms and bows are allowed. There are no pocket restrictions for this predator and currently no regulations regarding necessary markings or CITES seals for foxes or foxskins. (14) Sell or lease coal, oil, gas, sand, gravel and all other minerals that may be found in countries under the jurisdiction and control of the Director with the written permission of the Governor, except lands designated as state parks. The Director shall receive the sealed offers before the sale or lease, after publication by publication as a Class II legal advertisement in accordance with the provisions of articles 59-3-1 et seq. of this Code, and the area of publication for such publication is any county in which such land is situated. The minerals so advertised are sold or leased to the responsible highest bidder, who provides security for the proper performance of the purchase or lease agreement, as determined by the Director; However, the director may reject all offers and re-announce the offers. The proceeds of any such sale or lease shall be paid to the Treasurer of the State of West Virginia and credited to the Department and used solely for the purposes of this Chapter; Each year, the West Virginia Department of Natural Resources (WVDNR) publishes a brochure that outlines regulations for hunting and capturing animals in the state. With proper methods and hunting in the seasons and regulations established by the state, legal predator hunts consist of bears, bobc, wild boar, coyote, and fox. It is illegal to hunt mountain lions, hawks, hawks and eagles in West Virginia. (13) Sell timber at least at its value, as estimated by a qualified appraiser appointed by the Director, on all lands under the jurisdiction and control of the Director, except areas designated as State Parks and areas of the Kanawha State Forest.

The appraisal must be made within a reasonable time before each sale, must be recorded in writing, filed with the Director`s office and must be made available for public inspection. The Director must obtain written permission from the Governor to sell timber if the estimated value exceeds $5,000. The Director shall receive sealed offers for this purpose after publication by publication as a Class II legal advertisement in accordance with the provisions of §§ 59-3-1 et seq. of this Code, and the area of publication for publication is each county in which the timber is located. The timber so advertised must be sold at least at the estimated value to the responsible highest bidder, who must provide security for the proper performance of the contract of sale of the contract of sale determined by the Director; However, the director may reject all offers and re-announce the offers. If the above provisions of this section have been complied with and no offer equal to or greater than the estimated value of the timber is received, the Director may at any time, for a period of six months after the opening of tenders, sell the timber in such manner as the Director considers appropriate; However, the selling price may not be less than the estimated value of the advertised timber. No contract for the sale of timber under this division may cover a period exceeding 10 years. And all contracts concluded so far by the State for the sale of timber cannot be validated by this section if a contract is otherwise invalid.

The proceeds of the sale of timber so sold shall be paid to the Treasurer of the State of West Virginia and credited to the Department and used solely for the purposes of this Chapter, provided that nothing in this Chapter shall prohibit the sale of timber which would otherwise be exempt from strictly incidental rights of way necessary for the extraction of minerals; If you`re interested in hunting bobcats in West Virginia, here are some laws. This list is not exhaustive and is subject to change. Remember: it is your responsibility to hunt legally and safely at all times. This article is published for informational purposes only. It is legal to hunt or capture bobcats in the state from early November to late February. There is a possession limit of three bobcats per person. Animals must be marked by the hunter at the place of harvest. You must obtain CITES (Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora) seals for furs sold inside or outside the state or country. CITES seals are available from WVDNR. It is illegal to possess fur for sale without the CITES seal. Furry animals in West Virginia include mink, weasel, muskrat, beaver, opossum, skunk, otter, gray fox, red fox, bobcat, raccoon, fisherman, and coyote. All of these species can be caught during their respective open seasons in West Virginia.

Only opossums, skunks, grey foxes, red foxes, bobcats, raccoons and coyotes can be hunted with firearms or archery equipment. Night hunting with appropriate lighting is allowed, with the exception of bobcat, which is limited to daytime hunting only. Electronic calls can be used to hunt bobcats, coyotes, crows, foxes and raccoons, but not other species. With the exception of crows (see page 48), written permission from the landowner is required to hunt with electronic calls on private property. Electronic calls may also be used on public property (unless expressly prohibited) during periods when the use of firearms is permitted. “Person”, unless otherwise defined elsewhere in this Chapter, means the plural “persons” and includes individuals, partnerships, corporations or other legal entities. The Attorney General and his deputies, as well as the attorneys of the various districts, shall furnish to the Director, without additional remuneration, such legal services as the Director may require of them in the exercise of his functions and in the exercise of the powers conferred on him by the provisions of this chapter. The Director may, in urgent cases and with the prior approval of the Attorney General, designate counsel to act in proceedings in which criminal charges are laid against employees of the division for acts performed in the performance of their duties. In all cases, the Director may spend a reasonable amount of up to $2,500 on legal services.

Bobbcats legally killed by landowners out of season do not need to be reported through the Electronic Crop Reporting System. If you plan to take a bobcat`s to a taxidermist that does not require notification, you should safely include the information described above (except for the confirmation number) and a description of how the bobcat`s was legally acquired. If you plan to take the bobcat to a taxidermist, you must attach written documents to the carcass, which include the full name of the hunter or trapper, the date of killing and the harvest confirmation number. The state of West Virginia has hefty fines for misdemeanors. It is illegal in the state to use dogs during a bow hunt or for non-resident hunters to use dogs during gun season. Hunters cannot bait bears or use electronic calls. It is illegal to catch a bear weighing less than 75 pounds. The Bobcat season in West Virginia runs from November 4, 2023 to February 29, 2024. A license is required, and there is a seasonal limit of 3 bobcats. Daily and seasonal baggage limit of 3. Nocturnal hunting of bobccats is prohibited.

When it comes to harvesting wild boar in West Virginia, you know where and how to hunt. Any hunter can own a wild boar, which can be legally hunted with firearms during the last week of October or shot with a legal bow from mid-October to the end of December. The southern counties of Boone, Logan, Raleigh, and Wyoming are the only counties in West Virginia where wild boar hunting is legal. Animals must be marked by the hunter at the place of harvest. The most important advice regarding bears is where it is legal to hunt them. Because the state of West Virginia uses hunting to help control the population, each person can take two bears per season. You can harvest both bears during gun or archery season, or one bear in each season. If you take two bears, one must be from Boone, Fayette, Kanawha or Raleigh counties. Opening hours vary slightly each year.

On average, the archery season lasts from mid-September to the end of November. Gun season varies by county. A list of the open season is published annually on the WVDNR website. There is a daily limit of one bear per person, and you will need to stay with your bear until you have filled a field mark. The carcass or skin must be re-identified within 24 hours. `open season` means the period during which different species of wild animals may be lawfully caught, captured, killed or hunted in a given manner, including the first and last day of the season or period determined by the Director. Coyotes can be hunted year-round in West Virginia. An important tip is to know when you can hunt coyotes. It is illegal to hunt coyotes at night from August to December. There is no daily, seasonal or annual pouch limit for this animal in West Virginia, as it is considered an annoying predator.