Legal Age to Work in Malaysia 2020

An employee who works on a general holiday is entitled to a travel allowance for that day if it is payable to him in accordance with his agreement with his employer, but the employee is not entitled to an increase in the rate of the shelter allowance or living allowance under this subsection. Section 60D of the Malaysian Employment Act, 1955. (The minimum age to serve or sell alcohol in a grocery store or supermarket is 16 as long as the minor is supervised by a person over the age of 21. The minimum age to work as a bartender or in a restaurant that sells alcohol is 21.) The minimum age for admission to employment in Malaysia is 14 and there are protective laws for children between the ages of 14 and 16. However, exceptions apply and children under the age of 14 may work in a family business or other government-approved workplace. Here, too, protective laws apply. Labour laws differ in Sabah and Sarawak, where children under the age of 14 are allowed to work in confined environments that require non-physical work, and no more than six hours a day. Overtime worked on a rest day entitles you to a rate at least twice as high as the hourly wage. In the case of piecework on a day of rest, he receives double his normal salary per piece. Section 60 of the Malaysian Employment Act 1955. Any work performed on a day of rest or on one of the holidays prescribed by law, or any paid leave replaced by it, is not considered overtime. 14: (Light work only. Must have parental permission.

The limitation of working time and the reduction of weekly working hours must not interfere with school education) 16: (Light work only. Full education required. Limited working hours) 18: Unlimited age 16: Minimum age to serve someone in restaurants, cafes or hotels. Minimum age to work in a circus or cinema. Additional paid holidays are imposed by each state. If one of the officially fixed public holidays falls on a day of rest, the next working day is considered a paid holiday in lieu of the day. To be eligible for paid leave, a pregnant employee must have worked for the employer at some point during the four months preceding her expected date of delivery and at least 90 of the nine months preceding the expected date of delivery. She is not eligible if she already has five or more surviving children of all ages. The employee must notify her employer within 60 days of the date on which she intends to take her leave. Have you ever seen someone in school uniform on a motorcycle and wondered if it`s legal? Well, the legal age to get your hands on a motorcycle license is 16. – Article 39(1) of the 1987 Law on road traffic.

No employer may require a worker to work on an industrial or agricultural holding between 7 p.m. and 5 a.m. or to start work for the day without 11 consecutive hours being free of such work. For overtime worked by an employee beyond normal working hours on a paid holiday, the employee is paid at a rate equal to at least 3 times his hourly wage. If such leave falls on half a working day, the normal rate of pay is that of a full working day. As can be seen from section 13 of the Tobacco Products Control Regulations, 2004 under the Food Act, 1983, the legal smoking age at the time of writing this section is still 18 years and has been since 1994. No child may or may engage in hazardous work or occupation other than that referred to in article 2. No worker may be compelled to work on a day of rest unless he is engaged in work which, by its nature, must be performed continuously or continuously in two or more shifts. None (17 years of age) to work as a waiter in a restaurant that serves alcohol, or as a bartender and to handle, transport and sell beer, wine and spirits. The presence of a supervisor over 21 years of age is required) None (18 years to sell alcoholic beverages and work as a bartender) An employee who performs continuous work and requires constant presence may be required to work 8 consecutive hours, including a period of at least 45 minutes during which he or she will have the full opportunity to: something to eat. Section 60A of the Malaysian Employment Act, 1955. {Compensation – For overtime worked beyond normal working hours, the employee receives a rate of at least 1.5 times their hourly wage, regardless of the basis on which their rate of pay is set.

The maximum number of overtime hours that can be required of an employee is 104 hours per month. None (18 years old to work as a waiter in a restaurant serving alcohol and sell beer 3.2 ABV; 21 years without restriction) The cabinet had already decided to lower the voting age from 21 to 18. However, the current government would still need to win a two-thirds majority in parliament before constitutional amendments could be made for it to come into force. If that happens, we`ll update it here. Maternity leave: 60 days for a full-time employee if she has been working for the employer for at least four months. Companies have recently started granting 90 days of maternity leave. The legal age of marriage has been a controversial issue in recent times. For non-Muslims throughout Malaysia, if your parents give you permission, the legal age of marriage is 18 for both men and women. However, the age of women can be lowered to 16 if the Chief Minister grants you a licence.

If your parents do not give permission, you will both have to wait until you are 21 to marry – section 12 of the Law Reform (Marriage and Divorce) Act 1976. None (18 years old to work as a bartender, transport alcohol or work as a waiter in a restaurant that sells alcohol) By agreement between the employee and the employer, the number of hours worked on 1 or more days of the week is less than 8, The limit of 8 hours may be exceeded on other days of the week. But no employee should work more than 9 hours a day or 48 hours a week. (18 to perform work involving the sale or handling of alcohol) Working hours: 45-48 hours per week, with a maximum of 8 working hours per day and six working days per week. None: (21 years to serve alcoholic beverages for consumption on premises (19 years if licensee is VPR certified); 18 years to work in the part of an establishment where alcoholic beverages are sold or served for consumption on premises; 14/15 year olds are not allowed to work in a facility where alcoholic beverages are sold, served or distributed for indoor consumption.) None (18 years old to work as a waiter in a restaurant that sells alcohol, or as a bartender. Age is not a factor in the job for a business for which the sale of alcohol is not the primary focus, as long as that business holds an off-site license, meaning alcohol cannot be consumed on the property.) Under no circumstances may any employer require an employee to work more than twelve hours a day.