Legal Calibre for Deer in Victoria

Deer hunters must also follow approved hunting methods and equipment; must respect harvest restrictions, seasons (for pig deer) and hunting seasons (no night hunting); and must have a valid hunting license for deer hunting: stalking and/or hunting sambar deer with hunting dogs. To hunt deer in Victoria, deer hunters must be aware of the hunting laws of the Wildlife (Game) Regulations 2012 and the Wildlife Act 1975. Hunters on foot in known deer habitats between 30 minutes after sunset and 30 minutes before sunrise in recognized deer habitat may use artificial light (e.g. flashlight or headlamp) to navigate on foot, provided that: There is no doubt that deer hunters use semi-automatic rifles such as SKS rifles, Remington Woodmasters and Browning`s BAR; But the truth is that the growing popularity of AR rifles has sent them into deer forests. Semi-automatic rifles can be purchased in a variety of chambers with detachable magazines, and the accuracy can rival that of a bolt-action firearm, at least at most hunting distances for deer. Chambers like .308 and .300 blackout for deer in an AR are both effective and practical. The action of a rifle refers to the mechanical operation of the rifle. Each rifle has certain parts such as a chamber, bolt, barrel and striker, but it is how these mechanisms work that determines the type of action of the rifle. Choosing the right type of action for your deer rifle is really a matter of preference, but there are a few factors to consider.

Victoria has some of the best game hunting opportunities in Australia. There are open seasons and catch limits in Victoria for wild deer, ducks and quail; These allow a large hunting and at the same time ensure a sustainable management of the species. The deer season in Baw Baw National Park lasted from May 1 to October 25 each year and was moved from February 15 to December 15 each year. Medium-fire semi-automatic rifles are a relatively new development in the grand scheme of deer hunting. Consider that today`s AR15 and AR10 platform prototype was manufactured by the Armalite company in 1956 and wasn`t made public until 1964, not quite 100 years after Pennsylvania had its first regulated deer season. Diagram 1: Recommended shooting placements for wild deer Lever-action rifles are comfortable in deer forests, quick to show off and easy to handle, most lever actions have shorter barrels than bolt-action rifles, making them lighter and faster on the shoulder. The traditional pipe magazine creates some problems when it comes to chambering ballistic ammunition, but at the same time, it allows for a greater rifle capacity of ammunition. Lake Eildon National Park: In some sections of the southeastern part of the park, sambar deer can be hunted from the first Saturday after Easter until November 30. The use of dogs to hunt deer is not allowed in this park.

Pests and other species are not allowed to be hunted in this park. Alpine National Park and Avon Wilderness Park: From 15 February to 15 December, all deer species can only be hunted in parts of the Alpine National Park and throughout the Avon Wilderness Park. The use of dogs to hunt deer is not allowed in these parks. Pests and other species are not allowed to be hunted in these parks. Note for alpine resorts: All alpine resorts are closed to hunting at all times. However, you are allowed to carry a dog and firearms to a resort, provided the dogs are in a vehicle and the weapons are in a secure, locked compartment. Whether you`re shooting at clay targets, chasing rabbits, or starting to shoot at the target, it`s crucial to use the right gun and cartridge. The following describes the type of firearm or cartridge to be used when hunting several animal species.

With experience, many hunters will develop their own preferences. Ethical hunters want to be sure that the cartridge they use is powerful enough to produce clean and rapid destruction. There are certain legal requirements regarding the size of the cartridge used when hunting game species. One of the most discussed topics that deer hunters will inevitably haunt around the campfire is: what is the ideal combination of rifle-scope to hunt deer? The only fact you can rely on is that everyone has their own pet suit and will almost never agree on the same. Let`s start with the most obvious step, choosing the caliber. Victoria has a legal minimum requirement of .270 Winchester with 130 grain projectiles for Sambar, Red, Rusa and Chital deer. 243 Winchester with 85 grain projectile for deer and pigs. Since this article focuses on the sambar deer, I will devalue the caliber below .270 Winchester, but overall, it would be a very good choice for all our deer species. However, before deciding on a caliber, you really need to consider the type of hunting you are going to do.

Even if you are only considering deer hunting, you need to think about the different types of terrain and hunting methods that may be required to hunt the different species of deer in Australia. There are a variety of rifle calibers in their twenties that are perfect white-tailed deer cartridges and are great considerations: Baw Baw National Park: All deer species can only be hunted by tracking in the area east of Thomson Valley Road from February 15 to December 15 each year. The use of dogs to hunt deer is not allowed in this park. Pests and other species are not allowed to be hunted in this park. Pigeons and pheasants are not wild birds, but partridge, California quail and European quail are classified as introduced wild birds. Live pigeon shooting is illegal in Victoria because all birds are protected. Many deer came across lever guns. Traditionally chambered in low-speed projectiles and heavier bullets, lever action rifles tend to be more effective within 200 meters. Iconic gun companies such as Winchester, Marlin, Savage, Browning, Remington, and Henry have all made lever action rifles to meet the needs of deer hunters. Hunters exploring the new deer hunting grounds need to make sure they know exactly where they can and cannot hunt or travel with a firearm. The GMA is currently updating the deer hunting maps that will be added to the GMA website in the future. In the meantime, hunters are advised to familiarize themselves with the additions contained in the publication plan planned for the Official Journal.

Hunters cannot possess a firearm in a park or transport a firearm in a park (except in certain cases) when hunting is prohibited. If hunting is permitted, firearms may only be the calibres or calibres permitted for species available for hunting in this park. The deer hunting area in the Alpine National Park has been extended by about 90,000 hectares in the Eastern Alps, including areas around Suggan Buggan, Limestone Creek, Native Dog Flat, Charlie Creek; Buckwong Creek, Willis and east of Tubbut. Firearm shields are not removed in these areas to avoid confusion. Several surrounding areas remain closed to deer hunting, including areas around Tom Goggin, Mt. Pinnabar Surveyors Creek; the wilderness areas of Tingaringy, Cobberas and Indi; all reference areas; and Snowy River National Park. Recognized deer habitat is defined as all Crown land in the following Victorian communities: Parks Victoria released the Greater Alps National Parks Management Plan in August 2016 after extensive community consultations. The plan includes improvements to recreational deer hunting, including expansion of available space, deer species that can be hunted, and a uniform season in several parks. A notice under the National Parks Act 1975 was published in the Government Gazette, formally enacting these amendments for Baw Baw National Park, Alpine National Park, Tara Range Park and Avon Wilderness Park. To keep things as simple as possible, I guess the rifle is mainly used for sambar and maybe deer during the April rut and when hunting pigs and goats. I also assume that you do not have an unlimited budget and therefore a rifle will have to satisfy your entire hunt.

So where is the beginner listening to this discussion and choosing his first deer gun? Definitely a bit confusing. Bullet design is crucial, not only for accuracy, but also for lethal efficiency. Your ball is the only part of your overall hunting equipment that acts directly on the deer, the right ball selection can affect or break your hunt. Choose a bullet of the caliber for which your rifle is suitable and designed for your hunting style. There are basically two types of riflescopes, those with fixed magnification and those with variable magnification. The choice depends on the type of filming you will be doing. If I relate this to deer hunting, I would choose a scope with variable magnification. They tend to be more flexible in their application, for example, if the terrain is thicker, you can lower them and enlarge the field of view and if the terrain opens up, you can increase the magnification and be able to take an accurate photo from a greater distance.

In rabbit or hare hunting, most hunters suggest that the minimum caliber cartridge for rifle hunting would be a .22 caliber ring shot. The ringfire .22 is normally effective up to a range of 100 m with high-speed ammunition. When using a shotgun, the range is reduced to about 50 m. The most commonly used shot sizes for rabbit or rabbit hunting are between No. 4 and No. 6, where the shot sizes are heavy enough to produce a clean killing at medium distances without damaging the meat too much. This video explains when hunters traveling in vehicles can legally possess a firearm and be in the spotlight in recognized deer habitat. Most non-recreational ground shooting of wild deer is conducted through cull programs in national parks and reserves.