Legal Definition of Untrue Statement

Are you a lawyer? Visit our business site » In U.S. law, a “misrepresentation” generally refers to the U.S. federal misrepresentation law, which is contained in 18 U.S.C. § 1001. Most commonly, prosecutors use this law to cover up crimes such as perjury, false statements, obstruction of justice, and government fraud. [1] Its earliest predecessor was the False Claims Act of 1863,[2] and in 1934, the intent to defraud requirement was removed in order to enforce the National Industrial Recovery Act of 1933 (NIRA) against producers of “hot oil,” oil produced in violation of production restrictions established under NIRA. [3] John`s brother James stated in his class report that sea otters were fish. James got an F after his teacher pointed out why this statement was false. James didn`t know that sea otters were actually mammals because he had heard from his older brother John, a marine biologist, that sea otters were fish. Nationwide Attorney Directory and Legal Consumer Resources The Spanish Consumer Legal Website #1 (1) falsifies, conceals or conceals an important fact by a trick, scheme or device;(2) makes a materially false, fictitious or fraudulent statement or representation; or (3) creates or uses false documents or materials of their knowledge to contain statements or entries that are materially false, fictitious or fraudulent. Free and reliable legal information for consumers and legal professionals “Misrepresentation”. Legal Dictionary, Merriam-Webster, Retrieved 11 October 2022. In some jurisdictions, perjury is a crime similar to perjury. The FindLaw Legal Dictionary – free access to over 8260 definitions of legal terms. Search for a definition or browse our legal glossaries. At, we pride ourselves on being the leading source of free legal information and resources on the Internet. Contact us. A false statement is a statement that is not true.

Although the word fallacy is sometimes used as a synonym for false statements, the word is not used in this way in philosophy, mathematics, logic, and most formal contexts. n. Dishonesty, fraudulent behaviour, false statements made with knowledge of their falsity, with which the liar intends to deceive a party receiving the statements and expects the party to believe and rely on them. This is a civil injustice (tort) that establishes a person`s right to sue the fraudster if they reasonably relied on that dishonesty until it was violated. A false statement must not be a lie. A lie is a statement that is known to be false and used to mislead. A false statement is a statement that is false, but not necessarily misleading, because a statement from someone who does not know it is false. Source: Merriam-Webster`s Dictionary of Law ©, 1996. Licensed with Merriam-Webster, Incorporated. TermsDisclaimerCookiesDo not sell my information directory of US lawyers with exclusive listing Super Lawyers Copyright © 2022, Thomson Reuters. All rights reserved. The law criminalizes a government official who is “knowingly and intentionally”:[4] John told his little brother that sea otters are not mammals but fish, even though John himself was a marine biologist and knew otherwise.

John just wanted his little brother not to pass his report card to teach him how to start projects early that will help him develop the skills needed to succeed in life.