San Joaquin County Free Legal Aid

The California Victims of Crime Resource Center provides free information and referral services to victims of crime. It provides information on criminal justice and juvenile justice systems, sources of financial compensation, the right of victims to participate in criminal and probation hearings, and the possibility of civil actions. Referrals are made to victim sector resources, including victim witnesses, victim advocacy groups, and special programs dealing with sexual assault and housekeeping. The American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) is an impartial, non-profit organization that provides legal advice and advocacy to those who feel their rights have been violated. The ACLU`s mission is to combat violations of civil liberties. Problems can range from civil liberties violations to issues related to sexual harassment and/or racial harassment of employees. Walk-in tours are currently not available. Please call to make an appointment. For more than thirty years, OneJustice has worked to extend legal aid to Californians in need. Millions of low-income Californians face urgent legal problems without access to legal aid. OneJustice provides life-changing legal aid by transforming the legal aid system. They offer the following programs: Pro Bono Justice innovates the pro bono system and ensures better access to high-quality legal aid for those in need. Establish and support pro bono justice teams.

The Health Unit provides free legal advice to health care consumers, regardless of age or income. Support ranges from information and advice to representation at hearings and appeals. Advice is offered on all forms of coverage, including through Covered California, Medi-Cal, Medicare, county programs, COBRA, employer group health plans and others. The mission of the California Department of Corrections and Rehabilitation`s (CDCR) Office of Victim and Survivor Rights and Services (OVSRS) is to give a voice to victims of crime and their families. The Office`s information laid the groundwork for the implementation of victims` rights and the provision of services. The OVSRS maintains a comprehensive victim assistance program and establishes judicial practices to ensure that victims and survivors of crime enjoy the utmost respect in the exercise of their legal rights. To this end, OVS. San Joaquin County Family Law Facilitator/Pro Per Clinic offers a variety of services for parties without legal representation. Three lawyers, a paralegal and four clerks answer general legal questions, explain basic court procedures and help parties complete family court records. No legal advice is given and they do not go to court with either party.

Both parties can receive support from the clinic. Do not bring children to the clinic. Bilingual supervision (Spanish and J. Senior Legal Services 501 Soquel Avenue, Suite F, Santa Cruz, California 95062 831-426-8824 | Contact Tanya Ridino | Education and Advocacy Fund for Persons with Disabilities (DREDF) provides recommendations, technical assistance, advocacy and legal support to parents, parents and other interested parties in the field of disability rights. DREDF is the parent training center and information center for parents of children with disabilities in Alameda, Contra Costa and Yolo counties. Those in other counties can call to inquire about services in their area. They educate and educate people with disabilities and parents of children. Asian Pacific Islander Legal Outreach 1121 Mission Street, Suite 308, San Francisco, CA, 94103-415-567-6255 | Contact Thao Weldy | LawHelpCA is a national online resource for legal information and recommendations. The following rights, laws and services are covered on the site:Families and ChildrenHousingConsumers and Small ClaimsProtection from AbusePublic ServicesOlder WorkersWorkImmigration DisabilityHealthIndividual and Civil Planning and EstateVeterans&MilitaryWar & Military IssuesHIV/AIDSEXPUNGEMENT and Expungement of RecordsDisaster Assistance. Central California Legal Services 2115 Kern Street, Suite 200, Fresno, CA 93721 559-570-1200 | Contact Ride Joy Brooks | Disability Rights California is a non-profit organization that promotes the human and legal rights of people with disabilities and provides legal assistance to protect those rights, including services and issues related to special education, Lanterman Act, benefits (i.e. Social Security, Medi-Cal, home support services), housing rights, labour rights, access to services, etc. San Joaquin County Bar Association`s Dispute Resolution Services provides mediation and small claims counselling.

Mediation services are provided at the courthouse and include: small claims, unlawful detention (eviction) and civil harassment. For cases that have already been filed, mediators are available to help reach a possible settlement agreement before the case goes to the judge. Judicial mediation is voluntary and free of charge for the parties concerned. For joint (extrajudicial) mediation. The San Joaquin Gospel Justice Center is a team of volunteers who provide legal assistance to those who need answers and advice from a lawyer. Here`s what you can expect from them:An appointment with a lawyer to assess your needs and help you develop a plan to move forwardMeeting with a client advocate for additional referrals and support servicesA welcoming atmosphere and friendly support teamActivities for children while you meet with the lawyer. The Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) is responsible for enforcing federal laws that make it illegal to discriminate against an applicant or employee on the basis of race, color, religion, sex (including pregnancy, gender identity, and sexual orientation). national origin, age (40 years or older), disability or genetic information. It is also illegal to discriminate against a person because the person who complained of discrimination filed a discrimination complaint, or Legal Services of Northern California (LSNC) is an association of eight different field offices serving 23 counties in Northern California. LSNC provides legal services to economically disadvantaged people and focuses on the following topics: housing, employment, consumers/finance, elder abuse, disability, civil rights, social welfare, youth education and health.

The website contains many CalWORK, Temporary Assistance to Needy Families (TANF) and Food Stamp resources, as well as advocacy tools. The San Joaquin County Bar Association`s Lawyer Referral Service offers the public recommendations to experienced lawyers who want to resolve their particular type of legal problem. The staff works with a rotating list of lawyers who specialize in certain aspects of the law and refers them accordingly. The initial referral fee is $30 (excluding personal injury, medical malpractice, ISS, workers` compensation, wrongful dismissal and workplace discrimination, which are arranged free of charge) for a 1st Carol Miller Justice Center 3341 Power Inn RoadSacramento, CA 95826Arbitration and mediation, criminal punishment, divorce and estate planning. The U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development`s (HUD) Housing Discrimination Hotline provides information on individuals` rights and obligations to fair housing. The hotline also helps consumers file complaints of housing discrimination and provides information on complaints. Other HUD Helplines: For questions about the Housing Choice Voucher Program and subsidized housing, please contact the Public and Indian Housing Resource Centre at (800) 955-2232.