Hanfstecklinge in Deutschland Legal

This becomes even more paradoxical if you look at the legal situation in Germany in practice. Hemp seeds are only illegal in Germany if they are used for illegal crops. There is no legal way to grow cannabis in Germany, not even for medical purposes. Patients suffering from pain receive cannabis only on prescription in pharmacies, at extremely high editions and at even higher prices: five grams of cannabis cost 120 euros in the pharmacy, which are not covered by health insurance. Not even 300 patients have this authorization throughout Germany. In 2014, five pain patients managed to legally grow marijuana before the Cologne Administrative Court. However, this judgment is not final and has not changed the legal situation around hemp seeds in Germany. So you can legally buy hemp cuttings in Austria and grow them, as long as they are not yet blooming. Stores usually offer very good cuttings that do not have diseases or pests and, of course, are also strong. Of course, they cannot cross borders if they were illegal in the countries concerned. Germans and Swiss can also easily travel to Austria, visit a hemp shop or vending machine 24 hours a day, and legally buy cuttings there as foreigners. Despite the strict rules of criminal law that define everything in Germany, from hemp seed to leaftip – and largely prohibit it – one thing remains legal: cannabis use. Legally, we speak of „unpunished self-harm“.

Thus, anyone who obtains cannabis for immediate use, for example obtains a joint in a round and consumes it immediately, is not liable to prosecution. There is no possession of cannabis. That`s the theory, but even here you can`t count one hundred percent in an emergency. In court, even the short holding or even the simple transmission of a joint can ultimately be interpreted as possession. A positive drug test, even if the law defines it differently, can also involve possession in the eyes of the judge. The interpretation of the legal situation is also significantly influenced by individual consumption behaviour. If it is shown that you are only a casual user, the procedure is more likely to be interrupted than if it is proven that you are a long-term user. The interpretation of decisions is left to the discretion of the judge and the prosecutor. However, if you come intoxicated in a traffic control, the consumption certainly leads to a criminal investigation, including the withdrawal of the driver`s license. Many THC users think they can legally grow a few weed plants for themselves.

It`s a mistake. Since the use of cannabis containing THC is already punishable, the possession or cultivation of hemp to smoke weed is of course prohibited. There are no legal hemp plants for smoking weed. Not even one. But there is also a peculiarity in French law that does not exist anywhere else: in France, for example, it is forbidden to present drugs, whatever they are, in a positive light. That is. that cannabis advocates and especially activists are more or less illegal in France. It is not allowed to speak publicly in favor of legalization, which is why initiatives always refer to medical hemp. If hemp is powerful, however, this is assumed, you cannot prove otherwise and already it is criminal and you have legal problems.

This is why no farmer in Austria grows hemp that will bear powerful flowers. But until the plant enters flowering, any hemp plant is legal in Austria. You can keep as much hemp in the pre-flowering or commercial as you want. In Austria, you can buy hemp cuttings in the shop. There are also dealers who ship them after purchase. Having your own hemp plant at home allows for easy and fairly simple access to the many active ingredients in cannabis – especially legal ingredients such as CBD or CBG. With your own plant, you know what it contains and you can count on an unchanged natural end product. Hemp seeds are also legal in Italy, including sales and cultivation accessories. Often, cannabis seeds are marked as collectibles or contain a warning that growing the seeds is illegal.

There are about 200 grow shops in Italy that sell hemp seeds in stores, with the majority of these products imported from the Netherlands and Spain. If you photograph your illegal hemp plants, you should at least make sure that the images are stored without GPS coordinates. Otherwise, finding the plantation or plant is easy. In general, it is best not to photograph illegal plants, materials or consumption. The legal situation regarding CBD depends on several factors and requires further legal review and information about the respective product. Only once this information is available can the legal status be assessed. In short, it should be noted that the CBD ingredient itself should be considered legal according to the Austrian legal situation. Only the active ingredient delta-9-tetrahydrocannabinol, specifically THC-A, is prohibited.

If certain products contain THC in addition to CBD, criminal prosecution cannot be excluded. Now that we have described in detail the legal situation in Germany, we will devote our last paragraph to the situation in France, the Netherlands, Italy, Great Britain and Poland. The legal situation in these EU states is also interesting for German cannabis lovers, after all, legally ordered hemp seeds come exactly from there. And at the latest during the next holidays, you should know what the legal situation looks like in other EU Member States. The provisions of the Narcotic Control Act also apply to the import and export of THC products from other countries. This means that the import and export of products containing THC is also considered illegal. According to UN conventions, appropriate import and export licences are required. These are reserved for a certain group of people, such as pharmaceutical wholesalers. It should be noted that in case of violation of this provision, both the sender and the consignee may be liable to prosecution. Thus, the shipment of cuttings from Austria to Germany may also result in criminal prosecution for the dealer. The cannabis boom in the media doesn`t stop in Austria either. It is therefore worth examining the current legal situation.

This can be summed up in a few words as follows: According to the Austrian Narcotics Act, the „cultivation and production of cannabis for the purpose of narcotic production“ is prohibited. This means that the so-called „home grower“ for self-sufficiency is illegal. Cultivation includes, for example, the release, planting, breeding, selection or cultivation of these plants. The seeds and cuttings themselves are not illegal. However, it is prohibited if the cuttings or seeds are used to grow cannabis for the purpose of obtaining narcotics. In many countries as well as in Germany these are illegal, this also applies to Switzerland, if hemp cuttings (or hemp seeds) in flowers could have a THC content greater than 1%. In Austria, on the other hand, anyone can grow hemp, even if it is powerful. However, there must be no intention to produce marijuana. The Netherlands is the European Mecca for all cannabis lovers. However, if you look at the legal situation of cannabis in the Netherlands, you will see that even the Netherlands is not a land of opportunity. The biggest mistake many cannabis enthusiasts make is that cannabis is legal in the Netherlands.

Unfortunately, this is not true. Cannabis also remains illegal in the Netherlands. The peculiarity of our neighbor is only that cannabis is tolerated, which translates into many interesting rules that you should know: In Germany and Switzerland, hemp cuttings are therefore currently still illegal.