Law & Order Black Tie

Danielle says they came home separately the day before and she didn`t see her husband. When Logan asks why they slept in separate rooms, Danielle says she has trouble sleeping. She says the tabloid press probably fabricated the murder charges for an article. The butler, Felix, says the coroner`s people have arrived, but Danielle and Darby are against them to perform an autopsy. Darby finally calls the police commissioner and tells Briscoe that he can get a restraining order to block the autopsy, but Van Buren shows up. When Van Buren learns that Danielle Keyes has already contacted a funeral home, he suggests that the coroner perform the autopsy there, and when Darby says he will order an autopsy, Van Buren says they can try a non-invasive procedure. That satisfies Keyes. Lobby of the Appeal Division Courthouse Tuesday, August 17 Ferguson admits he uses insulin as he makes his way into a lunch with Kincaid. Briscoe receives a 911 call informing him that a millionaire has been murdered, but the investigation is thwarted by his wife and family attorney, who claim he died of natural causes. In the Court of Appeal, Stone and Rothenberg speak, and Rothenberg believes it will depend on a swing voice.

Then they talk to the judges. Rothenberg argues that it is unfair that a rich citizen can buy the services of a private investigator while poor citizens cannot; It also says that state-licensed private investigators are agents of the state and are bound by the 4th Amendment. Stone argues that individuals are not bound by the 4th Amendment. When a judge asks if a dentist could drug a patient, find a gun in her briefcase and bring her to the police, Stone says the Supreme Court thinks so. Another judge asks if police could simply hire private investigators to evade arrest warrants, and while Stone says that`s true, he says it doesn`t apply here. The judges argue that it`s unfair that the wealthiest citizens can afford investigators to circumvent search laws while the poorest cannot, and Stone says they should solve this problem not by doing less justice to the rich, but by making it more accessible to all. Prof. Norman Rothenberg: We can`t always choose them, Ben. Among the Hamptons, they search for Keyes` medicinal pills. Logan finds a cotton swab with dried blood and a medicine bottle cap.

When they tell Van Buren that cotton contains insulin, she is not impressed. The percentage of approved Tomatometer reviews that gave this film a positive review Judge Mooney says the DA papers are convincing and finds Rothenberg`s appeals to emotion (and the lack of legal reasons to resist autopsy) unconvincing. Danielle Keyes rejects the idea of an autopsy of her husband. She claims that the insulin she was given was for Jonathan and that he had started injecting himself. She says she doesn`t know how her fingerprints ended up on the syringe. Stone points out that the MI report is consistent with an insulin overdose, and Mooney allows the autopsy. Later, the technician takes a tissue sample; Jonathan had taken an insulin overdose. Briscoe and Logan arrest Danielle Keyes on her yacht. Privately, Stone Kincaid says Rothenberg will appeal because of the search of gym bags.

Later, in court, Danielle is found guilty and Rothenberg and Austin immediately appeal. Speaking to Schiff, Kincaid says they have 200 years of precedent, but Schiff says two of the five appellate judges are very left-wing. Rothenberg`s briefing is 100 pages long, so Stone and Kincaid set to work responding. On the witness stand, Kathy tells Rodgers her version of the night in question, but Austin points out that the voice Kathy heard could have been any woman, and that Jonathan had a history of having women in his room. Then Danielle testifies; She and Austin suggest that Lance may have taken the bag from Hampton`s house. Rothenberg asks a question and confirms that Lance did not have permission to enter the apartment. Stone interrogates him and says it`s strange that Danielle pretends not to care about Jonathan`s affairs and that she dressed Jonathan before calling the police. Neither Austin nor Rothenberg disagreed with Stone`s questions, though the judge thought they should.

In his office, Stone blames Van Buren for misinvestigating the case. Outside, Logan falls for Van Buren. She says the taller ones have already unplugged and chewed Logan. Marcello confesses the affair to Kincaid, but says it was not the reason for the divorce. She said Jonathan was tired of sleeping in the guest room. Kincaid wonders if Danielle used insulin; Marcello says yes, and that she got it from a famous writer, Wood Ferguson. EADA Ben Stone: So it`s none of your business that justice isn`t done? Prof. Norman Rothenberg: For me, everything is a question of law.

I leave justice to a more majestic authority. EADA Ben Stone: I don`t mind if you want to make a new law, Norman, but next time I`d like you to choose a more deserving client. They find Marcella Di Portago from the party, who says Jon Keyes was with someone else, and left with her after the party.