Legal Responsibilities of a Nurse Slideshare

Nurses must comply with laws and regulations when practicing nursing. All regulations and legal aspects of nursing are taught and explained to nurses throughout nursing school. Failure to comply with the Code of Ethics could cost the nurse her licence to practise and result in a malpractice suit. The nurse takes care of the patient she is monitoring at all times. If the patient needs help with issues such as hygiene, the nurse has a legal responsibility to help the patient. If a nurse does not monitor and care for the patient, it can be considered patient negligence, which is unethical and illegal. The patient may try to move and use the toilet on their own, and be physically injured in the process. Some patients may self-harm under the influence of medications, which should not happen if the nurse gives proper attention to her patient. Some of the most common legal issues affecting nursing care and practice are those related to informed consent and refusal of treatment described above, licensing, protection of clients` personal belongings and valuables, malpractice, negligence, mandatory reporting of gunshot wounds, dog bites, abuse and unsafe practices. For example, informed consent, documentation, acceptance of an order, training employees and customers on legal matters, and strict compliance and compliance with all national, state, and local laws and regulations. INTRODUCTION Nursing is a nursing profession that has its relevance and direct impact on the lives, health and well-being of individuals, families and communities.

It is therefore important to regulate the practice of nursing to ensure that standards are met to ensure safe practice. Nursing regulation is achieved through certification and standard of practice. The practice of nursing is governed by legal terms whose knowledge helps the caregiver to make decisions and actions consistent with the principles of law, thereby protecting the caregiver from liability. Other guidelines for documentation include the use of permanent ink, the use of accepted terms and abbreviations only, legible writing, accurate spelling, correct grammar, the exact date and time of entry, the signature and title of the person who documented the entry, and a professional tone. If an error occurs in the documentation, a thin line that does NOT blur the entry is drawn through the incorrect entry, the note „error“ is written on the entry, and the nurse signs this notation with her name and title. In summary, ethical and legal issues are much rarer in developing countries than in developed countries. This is partly because people in developing countries are less well informed about their rights and fatalistic and religious beliefs in many societies in developing countries. As people`s awareness increases, ethical and legal issues are likely to increase in developing countries as well. EMPLOYER`S EXPECTATIONS DURING THE LIGATION PROCESS WITH A NURSE The nurse is an employee of the hospital and therefore cannot be refused according to the respondent`s doctrine (that the master responds) The employer notifies the legal unit of the hospital for further action. Establishment of a commission of inquiry to discover the truth If possible, the hospital can use the services of a lawyer to face the court, etc. The items are listed on the envelope. What looks like gold, sterling silver or ruby may actually be just an aspect of inexpensive gold, silver or ruby and the nurse may not know whether or not it is real gold, silver or ruby.

For this reason, these items are listed as „yellow metal“, „silver metal“ or „red stone“. In addition to jewelry, other valuables that need to be secured include cash, credit cards, and legal documents. I have no doubt about that; We all know who a nurse is? What does it take to be a nurse, as the law establishes the NMCN, the duties and functions of the Council? As such, I`m not going to stress you out with any of this. Therefore, law is defined as the rules established by humans that formally prescribe social behavior and regulate it in a legally binding manner. It could be said that it refers to certain written and unwritten rules derived from customs and a formal decree, which are recognized by the people as binding on them and could be imposed on them by appropriate sanctions. The implication of the above is that if you do not follow these rules, the law will punish you. INVOLVEMENT OF LIGATION ON ACCUSED NURSE If a nurse is convicted, she may lose her job or be suspended from her job. She may be fined or ordered to pay compensation Your licence can be revoked Litigation serves as a lesson to others If the nurse has been found NOT GUILTY: She can be adequately compensated She will be a public figure The image of nurses will improve, etc.

COMMON CAUSES OF MALPRACTICE According to Reising and Allen, common medical malpractice against nurses occurs when nurses don`t: Evaluate and monitor. Follow standards of due diligence. Use devices responsibly. Communicate. Document. If the client is discharged from the facility or chooses to return their personal belongings and valuables, the nurse and client will verify and confirm that all items listed on the envelope are still in the envelope. The customer also signs a declaration that he has returned his personal belongings and valuables. All registered and registered general nurses or professional nurses must currently be licensed to practice nursing in their state of practice. The license protects the consumer public and guarantees that the nurse has completed a state-approved nursing school, passed her licensing exam, and has also met the requirements of the license within each two-year period without suspension or revocation of her license.

BEHAVIOUR EXPECTED OF A NURSE IN COURT The nurse must appear in court on time on the day she was summoned. He should be dressed collectively His behaviour should reflect the image of the nursing profession The nurse must listen carefully to all the questions put to him He must think before giving his answers or opinions His answers must be audible, clear and firm and addressed to the judge and not to the judge. The nurse should be polite when answering questions. In addition to following the policies and procedures of the respective health care organization, nurses must also follow and comply with all federal and state laws regarding interpreters and interpreters. As with other training needs, nurses assess academic deficits of clients and staff, as well as educational needs regarding legal issues that affect their care or care. As a result of this evaluation, educational activities aimed at addressing the identified educational needs are planned, implemented and evaluated according to their effectiveness in meeting the identified educational needs. 4 Legal responsibilitiesThe relationship between HCP and pt is contractual: Implies that everyone agrees to do something Parts of the contract Duty to act: HCP has legal due diligence Compensation: Payment for services Mutual agreement: obligation to provide services in exchange for compensation Breach of contract: A party fails to perform its part of the contract Nurses are legally required to issue only such orders to presume that this is appropriate to their right to practice and scope of practice, and only those that the nurse believes are competent. Practicing without a current and valid license is illegal and is equivalent to practicing without a license. Nurses are required by law to report abuse, neglect, gunshot wounds, dog bites, certain communicable diseases, and any unsafe and/or illegal practices of another health care provider. WAYS TO MINIMIZE THE RISK OF MISCONDUCT Nurses need to be aware of the legal risks associated with care. Reising (2012) suggests that the following measures can help minimize the risk of a nurse being sued for malpractice: Know and follow your state`s nursing practice law and institutional policies, and stay informed in your area of practice. Assess your patients according to their doctors` guidelines and instructions, and more frequently when your nursing judgment indicates.

Promptly report abnormal assessments, including laboratory data, and document what has been reported and any follow-up. Follow-up of examinations or other delegated maintenance operations. Communicate openly and objectively with patients, their families and other health care providers. Document all nursing services objectively and thoroughly and ensure that documentation reflects the nursing process; Never charter in advance. Report and archive incident reports immediately to detect gaps in care. Professional malpractice is a general term used to encompass negligence, misconduct, or breach of duty by a professional that results in harm or harm to a patient (Reising & Allen, 2007). According to Reising and Allen, common malpractice claims against nurses occur when nurses fail to assess and monitor. Follow standards of due diligence. Use devices responsibly. Communicate. Please note that there are two types of tort law, which are the law of intentional and unintentional tort at trial, a plaintiff must provide evidence of the defendant`s misconduct.